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Month: November 2013

Pupils Development

Pupils Development

Being thus, in the measure where it is developed, the pertaining to school environment the affectivity between educator and educating, the fulfilment of the activities leaves of being arduous task for the pupil, therefore he is proportionate motivation, good will to learn, brightening up the anxiety consequently, that is, has a reliable transmission, encouraging to invest in the execution proceeding of the tasks, giving meant to the process of acquisition of the knowledge. Oliveira (1992) when studying the psicogenticas theories, points authors as Piaget, Wallon, Vygotsky, affirming that the interaction with more experienced beings In accordance with has great influence in the construction of the individuality of the child or in the development of all its personality the study of Oliveira, for Piaget, the affectivity do not modify the structure of functioning of intelligence, but it will be able to speed up or to delay the development of the individuals possibly leading in the interference of the cognitivo development. Vygotsky not only detaches the importance of the other in the process of construction of the knowledge, but also of constitution of the proper citizen and its forms to act. According to author, the internalizao process involves a series of transformations that place in relation the social one and the individual one. Wallon, in turn supports in its theory that affectivity and intelligence are mixed, being the affectivity the main one half for the acquisition of intelligence, that is, the pleasure in the process of acquisition of the knowledge if of the one from it I stimulate positive, that is acquired through the sprouting of the symbolic elements internalizados by the child, Wallon affirms that the appearance of these symbols transforms the emotions into feelings, that can be fear, distresses, frustrations, joys, sadnesses, amongst others. In contrast, a desestimulador environment, where it does not have interaction of both the parts can cause fear, repulsion, distresses anxiety and frustration in the pupils, diminishing consequently I stimulate it for the learning.

The Professors

The Professors

Not to use itself of the school as threat and punishment to the things that made of wrong in house; To have patience, persistence and security; Not to give up to bring it because it cries, to follow the child at this moment: the mother or the father or grandmother or dribble; To leave that the child brings of house in the first days the object that it not yet obtains to break up itself for much time, as: chupeta, cloth, doll etc.; Not to leave the hidden ones, if to fire without lies, with firmness and sincerity, not drawing out this moment beyond the necessary one; To frequent the school with the child being in the classroom until the third day. In the room and fifth days will be in other spaces, more moved away from the room and will be informed by the teacher the necessity or not of its presence. It is important to know that in the school, the individual cares with the child, many times, will not be taken care of immediately, a time that the work is developed in the collective one and that the child will go perceiving this aspect, learning to wait and to make some alone things. It is in this environment, facing conflitivas situations, that it will construct its autonomy; At last, a paper of the parents, is before everything, to transmit security and support with patience nor all the moment, being looked for to react the calmest possible insurance ahead of the behaviors that inevitably can appear, as I cry, vomit, bitten, amongst others. The paper of the professors in the adaptation: Conscientiously to deal with the facts and the representations that are being formed, establishing a reliable affective relation, friendship and cooperation with its pairs, the parents, the coordinators and, mainly, with the children; To receive the children in the proper classroom for this being a lesser and aconchegante place, with an amount of people reduced, beyond the room; To take care of personally of all the questions that if to relate to the children, leaving that the other adults of the school help in other tasks, what it would favor confident a faster linking and of the children with the professors; To plan the first week and to argue with the parents, in the initial meeting, from form to enclose the aspects of as the children will be received until a detailing on the daily routine, the activities that normally are proposals, the moment of the snack and exit, standing out the shortened time of permanence of the child in the school in this first week, which will be extended gradual; To establish a work routine, since the first day, exactly that of flexible form, but with well defined moments and having as central landmark of time the schedule of the snack, what it happens before and later, of form to guide the children how much to the schedule of the parents to arrive; To keep a daily contact with the parents, through individual meetings, when the case thus demanding, or same in informal colloquies, at the beginning and end of the day, to get information on the child. .

Disadvantages of Training

Disadvantages of Training

What are disadvantages of training? Even the most successful, most effective training has its drawbacks. Communicating with a lot of people have passed various trainings and we and other coaches convinced that after a single training: – changes in behavior, outlook only things which matured each individual person. Even if all information is received, accepted and understood, if it does not affect the sore – a large part of the training will somewhere on the periphery of consciousness as a disturbing dream. Maybe sometime in the future then it will help – at the right time, relevant information suddenly wake actual memory – and in fact yes, I remember the training …. But not necessarily. – Even training where the mind understand that mistakes can be done, no one hurt and not to humiliate, hurt self-esteem, and be a fool not want all the problems are not practiced and all questions never given. – Training is limited to time and all actual and urgent issues never have time to work out. – The coach, as if he was not proficient – still, to some extent the examiner and the behavior unconsciously imprisoned under the approval or resistance depending on the goals.

– Apply the knowledge gained in practice and if it works began to be used where necessary and where not necessary, often losing their original meaning and effectiveness. – The result of training without additional work is short-lived and posttreningovoy once digested skill fails, there is a setback to the usual behavior. – The effect of the group as a companion effect often being more honest, more understands, gives a sense of unity, acceptance. People are starting to look like sensations outside the training group, and not having the necessary skills to build relationships, and getting no results, frustrated. – Training – this always test and overcoming of it as pleasant to remember the commitment obstruction, emotional adventure, but the algorithm to overcome the digest is very vague and not always entirely. So the training is only effective as part of the education system, important, interesting, giving a boost … but in need of consolidating the progress element of the system. As a minimum, you must posttreningovoe support, and the best result gives a long-planned training program.