Education System
The real problems in the education system (II) I. The logic of the educational process and structure of the process of assimilation. The structure of the process of learning depends on the logic of the educational process. The very same logic of the learning process – one of the fundamental questions of learning theory. The logic of the educational process – a fusion of the logic of the subject and the psychology of learning by students taught educational material 1.
In the logic of the learning process get informed the question of how to put the cognitive task to the students that she was adopted by them, what the factual material in terms of what and how much to apply, what questions to put, what tasks to monitor and organize thinking through what independent work suggest that the learning process has been optimally efficient both in terms of learning, and in the development of students. Thus, pedagogy and psychology – is tightly intertwined disciplines of physics can not exist without mathematics, as the literature does not exist without Russian language skills. Before you begin to study physics, lays the foundations of mathematics. Therefore, before starting the learning process, you should start with psychology. Teacher has no right to work with the class until he learned: 1. Medical record of each child in conjunction with a health worker who has explain in detail what the disease is in the child and how they will affect the process of learning the material.