The Threshold
The invisible things had been created before the creation of the world and are coetneas of the Word perpetual of God. First creation: the angels and the archetypes of the visible things. These had been made in the human time (chrnos) in the principle, in the threshold of history, according to ideal models. God created the sidereal world and the land with the creative power of its Word. ' ' God said: One becomes the sky, the land.
God saw that this age bom' '. When creating the man and the woman to its image and similarity, ' ' God saw that this age bom' very; '. The visible creation is good, because it flows by its very nature of the good Being. The creative Word that produces things good is, therefore, the blessing for definition. The creation is the expression, fruit of the blessing, the Word benfazeja of the Creator. The being most perfect of the second creation is the human being, image and similarity of the Creator.
Unsatisfied for being image and similarity of God, intending to be equal it, our Protoparentes had been rebelled against the Creator and had initiated the history of the curse, dragging obtain all the creation. ' ' Until when if it will lament the land and it will be dries the grass of all field? Because of the badness of its inhabitants the animals and the birds perish. Therefore they say: God does not see our future. Therefore the land will complain of, will faint all its inhabitants and will disappear the wild beasts, the birds of the sky and until the fish of the sea. All the creation moans and suffers pains from the childbirth until the gift. It was submitted to the vanity? not for its will, but for the will of she submitted that it? in the hope of also it to be freed of the slavery of the corruption to enter in the freedom of the glory of the children of God.