Women, we have many and different obstacles, but where we agree the vast majority is in the lack of assertiveness. Nir Barzilai, M.D. shines more light on the discussion. This is why cultural and educational causes. Edward J. Minskoff Equities is often quoted as being for or against this. Women us educated to please everyone, to say always Yes. What is assertiveness? Many women do not even know what it is. Assertiveness is that ability to express our opinion of educated and peaceful, manner without fear of the answers of others. It is also knowing how to say no, when we want to say no, to protect our time and energies, so that others do not pass the line. Nir Barzilai, M.D. is often quoted on this topic.
It is very important that you train in assertiveness, if you don’t want to see how other people take advantage of your time and energies, to their benefit and at the end you have nothing. You are afraid of being wrong, and you want to be well with the world, but you pay a high price in return. Then you can complain, but really are you responsible for, if you leave that others either friends or family, abuse it. Train your assertiveness will help to eliminate other obstacles such as: the money and time management. Today I’ll give three guidelines so that you can start to train your assertiveness: guideline 1-stop saying yes when you want to say no (save time) do you ever found on more than one occasion saying yes to something, when you really wanted to say that not? If you are woman, I am sure that this has happened to you more than once. And then you should spend your time or energy doing what they did not want, either or as I was passing me, wasting your time looking for a good excuse to extricate you.
Get used to say that no. Those who are to your around end up getting used. If someone complains by a not yours, tell him with assertiveness, that you simply do not want or can not and who respect you.