Biological Sciences
Valuing what each pupil already backwards I obtain, it looks for to add to know using to advantage that each personality is intrinsic in the question ‘ ‘ of as aprender’ ‘ , that is, each child distinguishes the incorporation of more knowing its mental structure to them through its developed kinaesthetic canals, fits to the professor to explore them. The scientific advances and our degree of evolution must the experimenters and the ones that had not been satisfied with what it was invented and had always searched new alternatives.
We only search when we have interest, we only arrest when we are motivated by the will to discover, to understand, ‘ ‘ of as it is that ‘ ‘. Currently in competition with the popular and unworthy medias of credits, the pertaining to school learning is predestinold to the failure. With lessons prepared and armed of practical pertaining to school the professors well they only take the content until its pupils in way that these learn and perpetualizem the statements. The investigativo experimental method is what if adapta to the demanding resume. Each disciplines pertaining to school can adapt practical of evidence using experimental methods to facilitate the agreement and to improve the pertaining to school exploitation. Word-key: Experimentation. Evidence. Knowledge 1 INTRODUCTION the knowledge accumulated for the humanity throughout the evolution is repassed to the pupils in form of pertaining to school contents, being this the objective greater of the school. To teach and if to make to understand spreading these knowledge, the simple fulfilment of pertaining to school schedules, the use of the didactic book, the explanations and the writing of these contents in the picture are not enough.