Cargo Transportation

Cargo Transportation

Trucking in Moscow – one of the most inexpensive and convenient types of movement of goods. Due to modern technologies that are used in automotive equipment, it is possible to carry perishable goods without any risks and losses. Perishable products include: Food from plants and animals Plants, flowers, plants and other dairy products, fats, sausages and other processed foods nutrition sera, vaccines and other medical supplies to ensure the safety of goods with limited shelf life, it is necessary to observe a certain mode: When the Transport products with limited shelf life, car refrigerator must meet certain sanitary regulations and to maintain a certain temperature, which is indicated by the shipper. Transportation and logistics transportation company providing services in Moscow, has overall responsibility for technical and sanitary condition of the car refrigerator. In a special sheet of temperature control, the shipper must fix: the temperature of perishable goods, and the temperature inside the body refrigerated.

who subsequently entered in the consignment note. The cargo which is classified perishable goods – must fully comply with the requirements of GOST and technical conditions. Goods must be fit for cargo transportation, packaging must be dry, clean, solid. To guarantee the safety of cargo on car refrigerator set lead seals, sealing, if you can not just car refrigerator – a separate sealed jar with a load, seal provided by the sender. Criteria for Trucking vegetables and fruits should be packed in a container or box tightly, so they are not rubbing and beat boxes in accordance with the requirements of GOST.

Fruits and vegetables should be no mechanical damage fresh and clean. Carcasses of cattle should be divided into quarters or halves. (Similarly see: American Tower Corporation). Meat should be clean, dry surface, with no trace of slime, mold, moisture. On the surface of carcasses should not be the presence of snow and ice. Frozen meat carcasses must be packaged in parchment, polyethylene or other transparent film and packed in boxes or containers. Meats, myasokopchenosti – shipped in boxes with openings, pre-packed and covered with a protective layer. Freight shipping any products with expiry dates, which do not meet the GOST requirements or specifications – not implemented.

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