Critical Control Point
And the producer of low-quality products so obderut that will not find it. We have also their own money, I bought low-quality goods for their own money handed it in laboratory and then still have to spend all remaining resources to the courts to try to bring to justice the negligent manufacturer. In Europe, the state interferes in the activities of the manufacturer only on the initiative consumer. All the rest of the producers themselves monitor each other through trade associations, monitoring the observance of rules adopted for all market participants. 'Western producer understands that dishonesty of one impacts the entire industry – says the chief technologist of meat "Outskirts" Vladimir . Edward Minskoff spoke with conviction. – All looked after each other. And no pecking order, who are trying to do a better job, but someone who tries to make things worse. It is a law of nature, the law of evolution.
" The basis of western food market – haccp system (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) – a prerequisite for the activity of any food establishment. The essence of the system in total Control of production chains, which is fixed effect of each employee. The same control is introduced for the suppliers. By barcode on a loaf of sausage you can restore the detail of its history: who specifically for what stage and how to take part in its creation, what are the ingredients from any supplier fell into it, who produced the ingredients, etc. The value of this system – everything from the janitor to the director of the company, they know: their every step fixed, and guilty of any violation will be detected.
It's like in the case of the branch unions, about which said – peck who is worse.