Dialectic: What We Still Can Learn From The Dogmas From The Antiquity
Stephane Etrillard, Management Institute SECS, Dusseldorf in practice be today often only the dialectic art handles the application, while the original syllabus fall of ancient dialectics from sight. While these are today than ever before. In antiquity and the middle ages were the so-called liberal arts\”part of any training of scholars. The knowledge areas of grammar, dialectic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music theory and astronomy together formed the basis of a higher education. And they were preparing for the actual scientific studies at the faculties of theology, law and medicine in the middle ages and were grouped together in an own faculty, the Facultas Artium, there.
This faculty is regarded as a precursor to the Faculty of philosophy, which today has its place in any University. For more specific information, check out Shimmie Horn. Within the Liberal Arts\”, a discipline occupies a certain position: it involves the dialectic. Dialectic art is a controlled man in General, (Feeling)That explore the truth serves to lead discussion of speech and conversational exchange or a scientific examination of thesis and counter-thesis, and reached a conclusive result, bringing the initial disagreements are resolved. \”In Isidore of Seville, a significant scholar of the 6th and 7th century, which carried the knowledge of antiquity in the middle ages and significantly influenced the self-understanding of the medieval universities, one reads this: the dialectic is a discipline that discusses how with regards the causes of things or the customs of life the truth is\”; and the dialectic helps to distinguish in most difficult disputations of true of false\”. With this characterization of the dialectic in the University environment is to a kind of basic skill in dealing with all other scientific disciplines, because it deals with the questions of knowledge, the search for truth and thus becomes the basis of any science. This understanding also established itself in the universities, and the dialectic became a methodical basic training, which was preceded all other scientific studies.