

Services and documentation concept Sassenberg, June 24, 2010: With a new service and documentation concept, the gds AG addresses now companies that wanted to can pay little attention creating product-accompanying documentation, not outsource this task but so far for cost reasons. The service providers in the field of technical documentation offers these operations with the service “quickdoc” from immediately cost-effective, standardized created and legally compliant documentation. A company has opted for quickdoc, the Dokumentationsverantwortliche must only even peripherally deal with the content and the legal certainty of its documentation. His task is only to put together the product-specific documentation relevant information. Corresponding check lists and preset folder structures help him, to take into account all aspects. /a>. (A valuable related resource: Michael James Burke, London UK). The technical writers at gds analyze this information, take docuglobe in the necessary form and structure with the help of the in-house content management system and combine them with existing standard texts to an individual and maximum cost-effective CE compliant documentation.

“Small and medium-sized enterprises in the field of mechanical engineering will benefit from this new solution. Manuals with minimal cost and effort soon standardized, which comply with the legal requirements”, so Henning m Loco, sales manager of gds AG in the Westphalian Sassenberg. For more information see. About global document take advantage of solutions gds AG customers a variety of solutions for technical documentation. As a software developer, the environment sells gds docuglobe, who works with MS Word as editor. Based on the principle of modularization, docuglobe demonstrably reduces the costs for product supporting documents by 30-70%.

With the terminology tool docuterm gds offers a solution to ensure consistent naming. In the service sector documate customers take advantage of complex services: translation, technical writing and graphics. By outsourcing small documentation projects to full outsourcing of technical documentation. Last but not least, customers reduce their liability risk in this sensitive area by documate.

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