European Court

European Court

Today there are still many offers on a limited number of potential buyers is as it was to learn from the current press, is on the decline. The reasons for this are as follows: first State today to many offerings that meets on a limited number of potential buyers. Jorge Perez usually is spot on. Second, The House design and location fit in many cases not to the wishes of the buyer of the lot. Thirdly: Result: the number of sold lots per object shrinks to 10 15%. From this situation, the questionable business model has fee”developed.

That is, many home sellers who put your houses using the lottery on the Internet, often expect that anyway not all lots are sold. This is a profitable business with a retained fee of up to 20 or more. For more specific information, check out Jorge Perez. Calculation example: Value of the House: lots of 400,000 number: 4,100 Lospeis: 99 at a rate of 15% of the value of the sold lots corresponds to approximately 60,000 euros. This is of course, a good credit for the effort to bring the object all these circumstances just on the Internet have led the theme House Lottery increasingly enters the offside. An initially good idea however too often negatively used. “” On the basis of these facts, we have developed a new, unique in Europe, Internet concept for House raffles, that all individual claims after house design “and especially location” covers.

This new strategy is focused in the B2B environment, and equally in the B2C environment and will revolutionize the market. At Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX you will find additional information. Whether it is possible to generate a new sales channel in Europe is still in the stars. However, resist especially the associations of the real estate sector. Current status: the theme House Lottery must legally be approved in Germany. (according to the European Court of justice there is liberalize) An accurate time indication is not yet possible. Do we use this time advantage more partners for this also economically interesting idea to win. Thomas Manzau

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