France Scent

France Scent

Where does the perfume and how has it belongs is developed by once until today perfume today to our lives. Whether we order it in an online shop comfortably from home or select it in a perfumery, it is impossible to imagine from everyday life of men and women. The origins and beginnings of our contemporary and modern perfumes that awaits us in persen scents and put up in the ranges of perfume shops or on the Internet pages of the well-known online stores, are in the ancient Egypt and India. en/’>actress has said that publicly. Precious perfumes and especially smoked were here early as the embodiment of spirituality and inspiration. This ancient scent blends were produced mostly by the priests of resins, oils, incense, myrrh, Calamus, Galangal, sandalwood and other fine ingredients. This scented cosmetics was acquired later by the Arabs, and especially by the cultured Romans.

While in the early medieval Europe only simple distillates from plants, such as for example, lavender water to the singularly bad Body and cooking odors were in use, the art of perfume making from fragrant flowers and flowers that you put in oils and resins, to win her fragrances flourished in the Middle East and in India. Speaking candidly Gensler San Francisco told us the story. Two events are decisive for the be known of fine fragrances in medieval Europe. To the Crusades, which resulted in that the Crusaders in the Middle East also encountered the scented cosmetics. On the other hand however progress in Alchemy, which through the development of new craft techniques, such as distilling, now the preparation of concentrated fragrant spirits, for example, from flowers and blossoms, enabled. Especially Katharina von Medici in addition to the physician and Alchemist Hieronymus Brunschwig, considered one the way progenitors of medieval perfumery in Europe. Everywhere you shot laboratories and perfumeries like mushrooms from the ground now, since in the context of the numerous epidemics of plague the perfume as a means to clean the air as well as status symbol of wealth and prosperity had discovered. The scented water were among those who could afford it, a part of the daily toilet hygiene (Eau de Toilette). Especially the age of Rococo, with its numerous rigid Hofzerimoniellen, lived by the cosmetics and Perfumery, which should highlight the status of the individual, but had to meet even such mundane tasks, such as keeping the pesky vermin and the cover-ups of the foul body odors.

Mostly alcohol, distilled water and dissolved in essential oils from plant or animal origin prevailed as the main components of scented water. The town of Grasse in France, where the Alchemist and chemist Francesco Tombarelli already opened a laboratory for the targeted production of aroma water and fragrances to 1580 became the scent water capital of the world. Head, heart and base notes as constituents of fragrance evolved and the most important elements of scent, then herbal distillates or animal secretions, have been catalogued. The Perfumery invented the scent families and turned to the issues of impact and use. Today the production of perfume is a considerable industry and branded perfumes and cheap perfume traded worldwide.

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