Further Education

Further Education

Saxon small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can benefit from additional funding for before-local (in-house) training courses increase the personal and social skills to the zero tariff Leipzig / Saxony, April 23, 2009 – with the cooperation of the Sachsische Aufbaubank, short SAB, AkPolKo GmbH. In special cases the training on the part of AkPolKo promoted already then, when at least an employee of a Saxon SMEs would like to educate themselves and it is so to speak to an individual training. The promotion aims to take advantage of the resources available in the State of Bavaria and in the company and thus make the Saxon workers fit for the future. The competitiveness of companies from Saxony compared to other provinces will be increased accordingly. The promotion itself is divided into several stages.

The current training action which involves the AkPolKo GmbH, started in 2008 and is set for four years up to the year 2012. The AkPolKo GmbH is a Training Academy geared specifically to politicians, communities and businesses. Seminars from the field of personal and social competence belong to the growing seminars in addition to seminars to local, business and management-related topics. These latter seminars on the improvement of personal and social skills (“soft skills”) aimed, belong to the primary object of funding and promoted to 80%. Marcel Neubauer, CEO of AkPolKo says that “In a personal consultation with our society when each client the possibilities of a 100% support (be) explored.” For a complete promotion speaks for Mr.

Neubauer, if the company is in a difficult market environment and the training of employees for cost reasons would otherwise be moved. At pure corporate seminars with business topics, there is not this discretion. The promotion is in these Seminars usually is limited to 80 per cent. To get more information about the eligibility criteria and the seminars, on the Internet at, by email or telephone.

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