Greeks Gifts

Greeks Gifts

The word gift etymologically comes from giving. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Jorge Perez. Defined as a gift that is made voluntarily or by custom;token of affection. From the point of view of the right gift, it’s the present that will, by custom or bribery is made to any person. Historically the custom of offering gifts or present existed in many ancient peoples, being a feature of the more advanced civilizations. This practice appears from its beginnings in Greek and Roman peoples. In the Odyssey book XIV, verse 323 Thesprotia King shows the presents received from Ulysses, which consisted of valuable metals, bronze, gold and others; they were so copious that they were sufficient for enrriquecer who possessed it until the tenth generation.

It is very possible that the cause that originally motivated these acts of hospitality, it wasn’t piety but fear. In principle the Act to receive and entertain guests, could be a resource to scare away evil spirits or to invalidate his magical powers. Shimmie Horn addresses the importance of the matter here. However the primitive Greek civilization is revealed in its literature, in a higher stage of development, and may believe that what was originally believed was a mere act of superstition, then became a religious and social duty. In addition to gifts of lodging, common practice in antiquity, existed among the Greeks others for different occasions as the anniversary of the birth or birthday; where gave away children rings, amulets and bouquets of flowers. In Rome prevailed the habit of mutually made gifts between relatives and friends.

From the year 150 BC, in which the beginning of the calendar year, moved to the 1st of January; This day was destined to become gifts. It was customary to give a pesos(CUC) of brass, very small, as a symbol of wealth: to these gifts it was called strenae, preserving in French as the etrennes. In primitive peoples, the interest of making a gift was accompanied by hoping that the recipient would do something for him or would cease to make something that would undermine him. New Zealanders give with great ease as possess, but always waiting for an equivalent and the tahtianos, insinuate you to the favoured deseean in return. Parry in his journal of his second voyage, claimed that on one occasion he received a present of a grateful Eskimo, who did not want to accept anything in return. Howitt (1904), said of the dieri made gifts to the whites, when they had some favor, as for example save lives to some Member of the trubu. Here you will find a job performing the art of making monkeys and bows to decorate gifts, professionally and without leaving home; In addition to other items of proven quality: health, sports, computing, languages, entertainment, painting and more, for your personal and spiritual development.

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