Landscape Architecture
The gardens were arranged for reflection, for the poetry of dreams, for the scientists study, in the Middle Ages – the prayer and pious conversation, in modern times – for guests and their small group or large, for the festivities, sometimes for official receptions of ambassadors, sometimes for love and comfort of intimate dates in the Romantic period – for the melancholy walks, etc. and so on: in every era in its own way. Uzkoarhitekturny approach of experts on parks and gardens expelled from them to a large extent the history of changes in aesthetic ideas – the history of styles in any case. Purely formal division of styles in landscape architecture in isolation from the overall development of culture on "regular" and "Irregular", or "landscape" does not hold water. Mention of the landscape or the regular "styles" more acceptable to non-expert opinion, and the people and publications, claiming to be professional level, talking about garden art should mainly differ in the same styles as in the overall development of the arts – the styles associated with the dominant ideas and the "dominant" semantics "era. Anyway we can talk about gardens period Romanesque, Gothic, the gardens of the Renaissance, Baroque, Romanticism, Rococo and French classicism. New style of garden art arises not "close" to the old, as in most arts, and replaces him at the same land.
The old plantations also existed in all ages caring attitude: the trees were valued, especially the oldest, preserved the old layout of the gardens, old buildings. Thus, for each style in the gardens were typical their plants, their ways of planting, location and combination. Its particular semantics have in each style fountains, waterfalls, streams, ponds, greenhouses, located in the gardens of the laboratory, cages, farms, gardens and apothecary mazes. There is another feature in the development of styles of landscape art. Between styles of garden art is no such abrupt transitions that exist in other arts: the trees grow slowly, they are put "on growth ", with the future, sometimes distant, and space for gardens and parks for the most part the" traditional ": it is connected with the existing buildings on it, and buildings, and therefore difficult to reconstruction. Throughout Ages to today in the layout of the space, there are two parallel lines (reception) – a regular-geometric and pictorial Landscape. They never fully exclude each other. Read more from RBH Group to gain a more clear picture of the situation.
After all, even the most stringent geometric planning compositions fit into the living natural environment. In contrast, none of even the most picturesque plan is complete without a geometrically regular elements, though not large. So, what's going on create landscapes, styles of architecture with landscape and the regular reception, putting each of them a semantic image: a cross-cultural, ethnic, mythological, landscape-genetic (water, mountain, etc.), poetry, urban. References: 1. io Gods, lm Fursova. Landscape art. – Moscow: vo Agropromizdat, 1988. – 222. 2. E. Gnezdilova. Regular garden. Origins and particular establishment. / / Landscape. Design. Secrets, and the price garden. – K.: Publishing House, llc acc Media, 2, 2008. – S. 14-19. 3. Landscaping. Glossary of Terms. Ed. ap Vergunov. – Moscow: Moscow Architectural Institute, 2001 .- 116 sec. 4. ds . Poetry Gardens. On semantics landscaping styles. – L.: Nauka, 1982. -343 Sec. 5. ss Burns. History of Landscape Architecture .- M.: Stroiizdat, 1993. – 235. 6.Suleymanova ts The typology of semantic images typical for objects of landscape architecture / / Leading Architecture and Construction Academy – stan: Almaty, 2010. – 4.