National Education
It is important to emphasize that it is by means of this law that the professionalization in average education becomes optional for the schools. Considering average education as final stage of the basic education, in the decade of 1990, a significant space for the philosophy confides, exactly with dubiousness of the law n 9,394/96 – Law of Lines of direction Bases of the National Education, determining its approval, when it affirmed that all student to the ending of average education must have ' ' access to the knowledge of necessary Philosophy and Sociology to the exercise of cidadania' ' , but without having the treatment of it disciplines, combining itself in the set of the transversal subjects. Perspective this kept, more ahead, for the National Advice of Education, in 1998, through Resolution CEB/CNE n 3/98, and the PCNEM (1999) under three aspects: ) the precariousness in the formation of philosophy professors; b) the obligatoriness of disciplines would imply in costs/investments for the education system; c) the inclusion of the philosophy would go to reject the model to discipline of the school. After three years it moves in the Chamber and in the Senate a law project that would modify article 36 of the LDB, introducing you discipline them of Philosophy and Sociology in the resume of average education, being approved in these instances, and 2001, vetoed for president Fernando H. Cardoso, pointing two arguments. The first one would be costs, and as, the lack of qualified professors to take care of the requirements disciplines of them. For the defenders of the reinsero of the Philosophy as it disciplines obligator all these arguments were fallacious. In 24 of June of 2003, it has an audience carried through by the Commission of Education, Culture and Sport of the House of representatives, beyond moving in the National Congress a similar project to already presented in the House of representatives, making reference the Declaration of Paris, with the support of the Ministry of the Education, leaving facultative each Federacy the presence to discipline of the philosophy.