

We do not know the reasons why he has behaved in this way and their emotional situation at that time. That does not mean we have to agree with their actions. 4 – Get rid of negative thoughts. Scientists say we have 60,000 thoughts a day and most of them focus on what we do not. There are many ways to "control" the negative thoughts and the most practical and simple way is to redirect the thoughts on what if we want.

Another tool is very powerful statements, we can replace a negative thought for a positive statement, eg: "Never forgive this useless object …" is better to think: "Yo________perdono completely and lovingly to _________. Forgiveness is a work of purification, to decide to do so, our thoughts become lighter. 5-Learn from negative experiences. In every situation there is a negative side. Remember that the right question is: yQue I have to learn from that situation? If we understand what is the teaching, we take a quantum leap in our personal growth process. And if not … will remain engaged with the victim, and that can go 10, 20, 30 or more years, stuck in our evolution.

6 – Let others have the right. It's better being happy than being right. And why we always want to be right? And why we always want to win? When someone tells you that the sky is green, instead of fighting or trying to impose your way of seeing things, it's best not to avoid discussion and give reason to the other. You know the sky is blue, but you do not know is the reason why the other person makes such a claim.

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