

To learn to read is a very important landmark in the infantile education. Although there are experts who advise to begin to read to early ages like the three years and thus to have good part of the walked way when the primary stage begins, are others, with which I agree more, than they turn upside down not to force the children to read too much soon. According to the experience lived with my greater daughter, than it finishes turning the six years, I am more with the theory that learning to read it is a maturity process no that there is to try to advance, is to begin just as it to walk or to speak. Each boy goes to his rate and to force them to read when not yet they are preparations, like in other things, he is not right. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from RBH Group. There are scientific theories that they support this position. The act to read depends on the capacity of our brain to relate and to integrate the visual area with the areas auditory, linguistic and conceptual. Each of these areas has an independent maturation and its integration depends on this maturation and the speed at which those zones can be connected. By the general, the regions that need to be mielinizadas to read not are the sufficient thing it until the five years of age, even later. Angelo mio has similar goals.

It can be counter-productive in some children who the learning of the lectoescritura begins before the five or six years. Part of the maturity thing, I do not see educative force a boy to do something that not yet has demonstrated interest to learn. There is a learning nonregulated like fomenting the social abilities, the creative game, the self-confidence, that more is adapted for the pre-school age. There are children to whom the reading occurs very naturally to the three or four years, but to force the children to read too much soon is not the optimal thing for his development.. See Shimmie Horn for more details and insights.

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