Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development

Some countries had more recently retaken its concerns with the ambient questions, that if had become a world-wide phenomenon, appeared with much force, from 1968, motivated for the social movements and later for the crisis of the oil (Dantas, 1999). More info: Jorge Perez. In 1972 it happens in Estocolmo to the first Conference of United Nations on the Environment, leaving clear the necessity to implant adequate ambient strategies, to promote socioeconmico a development equitable. Wedge at that moment the term ecodesenvolvimento, that later would come if to call Sustainable Development. It is important to detach that during the Conference of Estocolmo the aspects technician involving the contamination provoked for industrialization, the population growth and the urbanization, had had more prominences (Martins, 1995). The increasing concern with the ambient questions, mainly under the aspect of the degradation of the way, took UNESCO? Organization of United Nations for the Education, Science and the Culture, to promote at the beginning of the years 70, the first Conference of United Nations on the Human Environment. The Conference of Estocolmo, as she was known, presented in 1972 the lines of direction of ' ' Plan of Mundial&#039 Action; ' ' ' Declaration on the Environment ' '.

Passed three ambientalistas decades of the accomplishment of that event, scientists and technician, of the world all, continue alerting for the actual damages to the nature, for the direct action of the man. Our irresponsibility in the fields social, economic and politician-ecological, definitively contributes effective and for the installation of a global collapse of unknown ratios, that could only be prevented if the man will be capable, in curtssimo stated period, to promote radical changes in the way of life and the rational use of the natural goods. Some examples show that the conditions of economic, social order and ambient they are strong linked, between which we can cite the globalization of the markets, the world-wide net of computers; the search of alteration in the borders politics; the transference of productive sectors in the search of markets with lower prices (one fortssima transnationalization of capitals), among others.

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