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Tag: career

Location Photos

Location Photos

Look at any advertising material , Brochure, website, or screen saver on the TV, and you will see an illustration or photo, bought at microstocks (with few exceptions) If you want to literally start a new life – join us in this business! By registering in the photo bank, you get a job with a free schedule that does not depend on where you live, the whims of customers (you do not see them and never will know), the bosses (yes there is no no bosses), and with a decent payment – regulated only by you. Plus you combine work with his hobby, and it always brings the best result, because doing what you do best! And what are the requirements for photos? For photos of this high image resolution (4 megapixels – a derivative of the width to the height of say, 2500 to 1600), no artifacts (oops, damn there I fly a little stuck …), the absence of noise (noise, lighting it when photographed an object is weak and in dark corners so beautiful colored grains, specks) Location of field (sometimes reject the inspectors Image bank shot with the phrase "Sharpness is not where it expects to see a buyer," and hence it should be 'there', and the depth rezkos T should be sufficient). And naturally, the picture should only be done by you personally, do not contain trademarks, logos, brands, copyrighted works of others. Do not take also the scene of violence. or shots taken from the car. .

Recruitment Employment

Recruitment Employment

Today the list of most popular professions in the Ukraine – the human resources manager and recruiter. Edward Minskoff has similar goals. But despite the apparent increased market demand for such specialists, none of Ukrainian higher education were not issues (at least in sufficient market entry). Those professionals that come with an inscription on the diploma, "Human Resource Management", unfortunately, do not have the necessary knowledge and training Narrow. Of course, many companies still decide whether deficit hr-managers, dialing "green" graduates and training them as early as on-line environment. On what should be professional recruiters, we have already mentioned (see S. Belyaev, "How to be an excellent recruiter. Or as a super-recruiters differ from the average. Gavin Baker will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

") The process of finding and selecting recruiters, is a difficult and deserves a separate publication. In this article we will focus a bit more detail on the problem of learning have already been found and selected experts. Where Professional staffing agency take? In its mass gain more or less suitable in related fields: social work, psychologists, human resources management. And in the process of working to bring their condition. You can, of course, try to find a ready-made specialist, but … as we said above, they are extremely small, and to engage them in their company, you need to offer salaries above the market average and we add to it a long list of benefits (social package). In addition, these professionals are very picky and will not go to work somewhere, but only in company with a name-brand company.