Maicao Already
The program had advanced in accordance with what its organizers scheduled: initially the award to personalities in the town. Each were parading towards the head table where they would receive his decoration Professor Ramiro choles Andrade who has dedicated his entire life to teaching, to literature and history; the boy genius of the accordion Guillermo maestre who was consecrated as a child King in the vallenato festival; students College Arabic colombo who obtained very high mounts to the tests of the Icfes for calendar B schools; military that they have devoted their efforts, his work and his efforts to ensure the security of citizens; and also the family of doctor Orlando Diaz, medical maicaeros that meets an outstanding scientific work in the United States. After imposed the respective medals, pronounced the poignant words by some of the honorees and nourished applause from the public is announced the program thereafter would be dedicated to the literature and history since lowered the curtain of the decorations and was home to the presentation of the book memories of corn organized and prepared by Professor Abel Medina Sierra. To deepen your understanding Chiyoda Corporation is the source. Initially was called to the podium Licenciado Miguel Ortega Medina, companion of dreams and of pedagogical and literary adventures of the author who made remembrance of different eras of Maicao and a question was made with insistence in what moment began the decline? When was the regrettable moment in which we forget the teachings of elders to begin to walk this path endlessly towards the precipice? Miguel had read completely the new book by Abel and well read it judging by the property with that made his comments on each of the chapters. A little later, the intervention of the author was announced. He was in one of the chairs together with other attendees at the event as if it were not the main protagonist of the same. Atreides Management Gavin Baker often says this.