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Practices are exercises on grammar, reading English texts, plays English speech on radio, television and in conversations with English-speaking, and not only English-speaking, interlocutors. Therefore, if you really want to learn English, just tutorial will help you. Attempt Four: One of the main problems, if not the most important is vocabulary. How could fill a very low In most cases, the vocabulary of English words with students. Is there any – any effective way to memorize new words and remember those that we already know.

The only way to memorize words is, again, the combination several things: reading, conversation practice, writing and listening to new words. Why so much? There are several kinds of perception and memory: auditory, visual, associative, and so on. There is another, as I see it call, the memory arm, which is often used by us to try to remember how to spell, then a word. To remember how to spell the word, we are trying to write it on paper. Interesting thing happens: your hand itself displays the correct version of the spelling of the right word. The fact that each of us is dominated by any one of the above types of memory. If in the process of learning English to use your most powerful memory, you remember any words in any quantity.

But in order to learn a language, you need to mix all types of memory. The only program that exists today, which combines all types of memory, a newly developed computer program virtual teacher online. Details about this program, you can learn from my article ‘The end of private tutoring English’, published on the website, enrolling in who can feel for yourself how effective learning takes place and how quickly you reach the results. Here is an excerpt from the aforementioned article about this program: ‘We are not talking about yet another computer training program English, which for thousands of the Internet and stores. It is quite another. You get your own virtual teacher in a virtual classroom site. 1. By the same author: Ron Beit. virtual teacher teaches you to first to the last lesson being next to you 2. you need not do any homework 3. you set the speed of learning 4. you set the time and duration of lesson 5. you move from topic to topic, just after the virtual the teacher will test you 6. Each test is checked to them for 1 second 7. After each test, you get an assessment identifying and explaining the errors if they have committed 8. Almost all of speech, and thousands of them, and the text sounded to American or British accent 9. virtual teacher is ready to begin the lesson at any time ‘waiting’ for you there 24 hours a day – it never hurts 10. explanation of all those grammar is in Russian 11. in case of failure in delivery of any test you get another or others 12. You do not need to go anywhere to start the lesson with your teacher. To start a lesson, just turn your computer and enter the virtual classroom 13. virtual teacher includes all types of human perception and memory (auditory, visual, and others.) running and using them simultaneously, which increases the chances of your success, making them a hundred per cent. ”

Foreign Language Courses

Foreign Language Courses

How best to organize the study of foreign language? Entrust whether the training experienced teachers in their home country or go to study at language schools, located throughout the world? This question everyone decides independently. Dwell only on some features of a particular method of studying a foreign language. Most are lucky wishing to learn popular languages of Romance and Germanic groups. On the market today educational services there are a huge number of centers offering services for the study of English, German (German group), French, Italian, Spanish (Romance). English Courses yazyka.Otkryv any informative educational publication, you will notice that most advertisements are devoted to the English language. It is very difficult to navigate in a variety of proposed methods and levels learning. This is a plus: a large number of techniques and copyrights foreign language courses allow the student to choose the right course without much effort. Gavin Baker shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. On good English language course work Highly qualified teachers who have diplomas Western universities and professors are native speakers.

Depending on the level of preparedness, you will pick up an individual training program. While teaching in groups of students get the basic skills, improving grammar and vocabulary skills. English language schools. English language schools are located not only in the UK (although it certainly is an advantage). The most popular language schools in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Malta, New Zealand, etc. The term 'language school' does not necessarily mean that school children. Language Schools English language open their doors around the world and adults 'students' who want as quickly as possible to learn a foreign language, and for entrants to universities overseas and want to 'pull' in English.

Couto Moreira

Couto Moreira

WHITE PUBLIC Pupils of basic education I and II of the Municipal school Dr. Aparcio of Couto Moreira, the parents and society. GENERAL OBJECTIVE To contribute with the pupils being induced to reflect them it on the diversity of existing values, its rights and duties as well as its importance for formation of the character and the exercise of the full citizenship. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES To study the values from activities proposals for the o professor. To fortify the bonds of integration in the educational scope to develop a culture of cooperation between professors and pupils to compensate its rights and duties.

To rescue the valuation of the human being and the importance of the values as trends of the good that must be taught and be partilhados. To develop injunctions how much to the violence, maltreatment and abuse of authority against the minors. To reflect on behaviors and good ways. To deal with respect all the segments the pertaining to school environment, family and of the society. To recognize the proper value, to obey the pertaining to school segments and the family. To acquire knowledge on the values and demonstrates them from action. AFFECTIVE OBJECTIVES THE PUPIL WILL HAVE: To develop a sensitivity for the necessities, feelings, beliefs and interests of the others. To work cooperatively with the others for the improvement of its proper character and to help to improve the health, security, moral, auto dignity and autoestima of the others.

To appreciate the actions of the people and to have conscience of that we can be better from beneficial actions the society. One becomes motivated to make the positive difference in the life of the others from an amiable word. To internationalize inside of its values, action and perspectives the essence of good character including respect responsibility, care, affection, affection, compassion, citizenship, loyalty, honesty, hope, cooperation, independent thought, justice, patience, tolerance, endeavours, good ways, integrity, generosity, pardon, capacity of reply, appropriate curiosity, creativity and joy.

Why Do I Need A Tutor ?

Why Do I Need A Tutor ?

Should I hire a tutor? Why do I need a tutor, for example, in the Russian language? Why do we need coaches? Similar questions in different variations every year asking themselves the majority of students and pupils of the school of the Russian Federation. Also, these questions do not bypass the parents who are genuinely interested in the prosperous future of children. The exact answer is not always obvious, both for parents and children alike, and the accuracy of the answer to the question "Why do I need tutor "may depend on the further a child's life, his education and work. At Edward Minskoff you will find additional information. And this hot topic today because, unfortunately, not always the level of teaching in schools meets modern requirements. Children often do not can get qualitative knowledge for successful admission to college. Yes, and interest in many subjects is not all because of the same quality of education. Nowadays, one can often see a picture, when physical education teacher substitute teachers of mathematics, due to the illness of the latter. In this case the student relate to the lessons? With real interest? And often in the process of learning situations arise, the obstacles that make you think that the hire a professional assistant – tutor.

Catch up on missed material, to eliminate gaps in the subject, quickly prepare for the exam, the cse to enroll in college, broaden my horizons, etc. A lot of problems confronts students and their parents. Excellent solution to these problems – additional training with a tutor at home. Reasons why a child needs an assistant in training – weight. For example, consider typical situations related to school.

1) Child is not fully understood the necessary material. And the school has long held the next theme. For example, in the classroom students often do not get to concentrate, making student misses any part of the material. And gaps in knowledge that can seriously impede a successful exam. 2) You can not learn until the end of any topic. The material can be a child, he clarifies his bad. But because the curriculum not flexible enough, you can not teach the subject more deeply. And this is in some extent interfere with fulfillment of the child. 3) There are obstacles in the training because of personal ambition. It happens that a child in conflict with a teacher, what prevents study the subject. Perhaps, the teacher gives the material, as he understands that different from an objective view. 4) The child is able, but lazy. Great learner, but to get something done under the lash almost unrealistic. The reason for such laziness – lack of interest in the subject. Tutor a child is definitely needed if at least one of the points above is true. Tutor needed for private lessons with the student at home. In a relaxed environment the child is much easier to digest misunderstood material. A tutor is much easier to find common ground with one child, identify gaps, find a personal approach. And most importantly, the child through individual studies wakes up, still asleep, interest in the subject. A pull up the Russian language (or any object) – easy! Especially with an experienced tutor. Only need to want and to agree the classroom.

The Pupil

The Pupil

According to Cagliari (1996), school not part of the knowledge that the child has of its language, but of abecedrio and one speaks total unknown to the one of the pupil. Others including Edward Minskoff, offer their opinions as well. To if coming across with the had language as not-standard of the individual, the school censorship and I corrected, thus limiting the creativity and expression of the pupil, who for consequence, feels itself incapable to establish a dialogue, to produce texts, thus creating a feeling of aversion for the language; generally in the community where the pupil lives the Portuguese is said of a natural form, without rules and exceptions, however, when the Portuguese arrives at the school if he complicates and the way for which it speaks starts to be ' ' missed and vergonhosa.' ' In this, he observes yourself that the school if appropriates of force of the language to leave well clearly for the pupil, through education, the place of each one in that scene and until is of the walls of that institution, and the express way as if, as if it leaves to speak, as if question and as the answers are accepted correspond to a way, not to evaluate the development of the pupil, but as one forgives reprimiz it or to approve, for saying to it that it is capable or imcompetent person. The slight knowledge preconceived on the language are maleficent and coercive in the society, because in its majority, if they use of the cultured norm to identify errors in speaks of a person if basing not on the knowledge of the same one, more in its color, religion, region etc., then, if the individual is poor, the language is poor, if it lives in a said region as been slow, the language goes to be delayed. It is not teaching only regrinhas of the grammar that the child goes to learn Portuguese; it is necessary yes to teach the grammar, but if it does not have to forget that the pupil lives in different contexts.

Infantile Education

Infantile Education

Playing, the child exercises its potentialities and if she develops, therefore she all has a challenge, contained in the playful situations, that the thought provokes and leads the children to reach development levels that to the actions for essential motivations only obtain. They start to act and strengthen themselves without feeling fatigue, they are not estressadas because they are free of collections, they advance, they dare, they discover, they carry through with joy, feeling itself capable e, therefore, more confident in itself same and made use to learn. Thus, following this study the processes of infantile development point that playing it is an important psychological process, source of development and learning. In accordance with Vygotsky (1998), one of the main representatives of this vision, playing is an activity creative human being, in which imagination, fancy and reality interact in the production of new forms to construct social relations with other citizens, children and/or adults. Such conception if moves away from the predominant vision of the trick as restricted activity to the assimilation of codes and social and cultural papers, whose main function would be to facilitate to the process of socialization of the child and its integration to the society.

Vygotsky leaves clearly that the subject to play in the infantile education has its origin in what to the child lives in its day the day, the relations with its pairs and mainly, in the relations with adults. It is an imaginary situation, one makes of account created for the child, but that it only can be created by it thanks to the material abstracted in the interactions. 2,2 EDUCATION AND LUDICIDADE In the education in general way, and mainly in the Infantile Education playing is a powerful vehicle of experiencial learning, since it allows, through the playful one, to live deeply the learning as social process. The proposal of the playful one is to promote a practical significant alfabetizao in the educational one, is to incorporate the knowledge through the characteristics of the knowledge of the world.

Scandinavian Languages

Scandinavian Languages

Later, the era of repression encroached into a fairly large area of Scandinavian dialects. In Normandy, this turn of events occurred in the 11 century, after which the Scandinavian dialects disappear, and in Kiev and Novgorod. Britain and Ireland "liberated" from adverbs come in 12-13 centuries, and in Greenland and the Isle of Man, and the Hebrides Scandinavian dialects ceased to exist in 15 century. By 17 century in Scotland, and to 18 in the Shetland and Orkney Islands also fell out of use of the Scandinavian dialects. Continue to learn more with: Nir Barzilai, M.D.. And during the 19-20 centuries significantly decreased their use in Finland and Estonia.

Of course, that all of these areas to date, of course, there are some people who use the Scandinavian languages and dialects. History of the Scandinavian languages is divided into three periods. It is an ancient period, which lasted until about 1350-1375 years: the average period, which lasted from 1350-1375 to 1530 years, a new period, which began in 1530 and continuing until the present time. When in Scandinavia formed the feudal State (10-11 centuries), the Scandinavian dialects began to merge into larger linguistic units called languages. Icelandic language is formed from Dialects of Norwegian settlers in Iceland, the tribes, which, together with the Norwegian language forms the western subgroup of the Scandinavian group of languages.

To the east the same subgroup are Danish and Swedish. Swedish language for a long time to develop in the total complexity of parallel with the Danish language. Dialect of the Swedish language, common on the island of Gotland, has preserved many archaisms and separated during her existence drevnegutnichesky language, has become one of the languages is the basis for the formation of public and literary variants Swedish.

Playing, Singing And Learning

Playing, Singing And Learning

. Playing, Singing and Learning Since the beginning of our Course of Pedagogia, in 2010, we were perceiving the great value of the musical art for the education process and learning, as much in the affective, psychological and social aspects how much in the cognitivo enrichment in significant way for the child. If you have read about Edward Minskoff already – you may have come to the same conclusion. In such a way thus, that we search the continuity of the development of the musical art to use it in pedagogical practical ours. It is rewarding to develop dom of the creativity in the creation of musical letters; thus we only can have authority in the orienting and motivacionais pedagogical actions! Unhappyly in data paradigmtico moment of our history, we made the dichotomy between homo sapiens and homo ludens. In such a way, pleasure ' ' not combinava' ' with work, at last, to learn itself to work, the pleasure (to play, to sing, to dance and all the artistic expressions in a general way) would have to pass far from practical the educative one. It was as soon as established in the pertaining to school spaces the predominance of the time for ' ' aprendizado' ' in room of lesson and the period, fifteen the twenty minutes, it child to make ' ' arte' ' (the recreation).

How many times in ours day-by-day we do not hear our mothers and teachers will express themselves thus: ' ' john doe already is back in the yard preparing, if making dirty all, making arts (meaning to say arts as being estripulias, badly creations)' '. In accordance with MELO (2009): Music possesss an important paper in the education of the children. It contributes for the psicomotor development, affective, cognitivo and linguistic partner, beyond being facilitadora of the learning process. The musicalizao is a process of construction of the knowledge, favoring the development of sensitivity, creativity, rhythmic sense, of the pleasure to hear music, of the imagination, memory, concentration, attention, of the respect to the next one, the socialization and affectivity, also contributing for an effective corporal conscience and of movement.

Playful More

Playful More

It makes possible to lives deeply who it, moments of meeting I obtain and with the other, moments of fancy and reality, ressignificao and perception, moments of self-knowledge and knowledge of the other, to take care of of itself and to look at for the other, life moments. Official site: RBH Group. A lesson with playful characteristics does not need to have games or toys. What it brings ludicidade for the classroom is much more one ' ' atitude' ' playful of the educator and the educandos. To assume this position implies sensitivity, envolvement, a change internal, and not only external, not only implies a cognitiva change, but, mainly, an affective change. The ludicidade demands an internal predisposition, what it is not acquired only with the acquisition of concepts, of knowledge, even so these are very important. A consistent theoretical recital of the o has supported necessary to the professor for the agreement of the reasons of its work. It is treated to more far go a little or, perhaps better saying, a little deeper. It is treated to form new attitudes, from there the necessity of that the professors are involved with the process of formation of its educandos. This is not so easy, therefore, implies to breach with a model, an instituted standard already, already internalizado. The challenging Pedagogia involves beyond the collective values and of team, they rescue auto-esteem of the professor, main agent of transformation participant of this process of ludo-education, therefore depends on it the opening to break old paradigms, as the constant use of the didactic book as used instrument for the professor in classroom to give copies and more copies what it moves away the pupils from the school make, them to think that the school nothing more is of what a place where the books are flat, the professors more still, nobody is happy and learning less still! It imagines what he is this to think for those pupils who already had become accustomed themselves to take off notes red and still superficially not to have motivation to search to improve its notes or worse, to have that to hear of who more could help it that: – They do not have interest in nothing, do not copy, do not like to read only want to play chess, to beat figurinhas etc! For times this playful demonstration is clear and many of our educators do not perceive the direction of the message passed for the pupils through this passion for the playful one, for the virtual challenge of the same video-game or of the computer.

Playful One Game

Playful One Game

The mathematical games are not the only playful forms to work a content, but she is one of most accepted for the pupils. Therefore the professor is very important in this hour to know to adapt the certain game for each content, to relate concepts, to think about substances, to study contexts, to observe the pupils and to reflect on the effectiveness of what he is considered, being plus a game not simply any. The use of games and curiosidades in the education of the Mathematics has the objective to make with that the adolescents like to learn this discipline, changing the routine of the classroom and despertando the interest of the involved pupil. Another reason for the introduction of games in the mathematics lessons is the possibility to diminish blockades presented for many of our pupils who fear the Mathematics and feel themselves incapacitated to learn it. Inside of the game situation, where a passive attitude is impossible and the motivation is great, we notice that, at the same time where these pupils say Mathematics, they also present one better performance and attitudes more positive front its processes of learning.