Rain Water Captation
Helber Enrique de Oliveira Lorenzete: FAAL Dr. Ricardo Bruno Luiz: Professor FAAL Summary the water is one of existing substances most common in the nature, covering about 70% the surface the planet, where all the organisms need water to survive, being its availability, one of the factors most important to mold ecosystems. Currently, with the increase of the demand to the population growth, the water has if become a natural resources each scarcer time and one in the found ways to minimize the problem are the implantation of the system of rain water captation, where the caught water can be used in domestic activities, as cleannesses of yards and lauderings of clothes, beyond reducing the ambient expenses and impacts, as overflows and floods. After research on systems of rain water captation was concluded that the implantation is viable. Word-key: Water, systems of captation, rain, I reuse. Abstract Water is one of the most common substances existing in nature, covering about 70% of the planet' s surface, where all organisms need to water you survive, and its availability, is one of the most important factors in shaping ecosystems. Currently, with the increased demand with population growth, to water has become natural resource increasingly scarce and one of the ways found you mitigate the problem is you introduce the system will be capturing to rainwater, where to water collected can be used in domestic activities such cleaning the yard and washing clothes, while reducing costs and environmental impacts such flooding and floods. After research on systems will be capturing to rainwater was concluded that it is viable deployment.
Keywords: Water, fundraising systems, rain, reuses. 1? Introduction the water meets available under some forms and is one of existing substances most common in the nature, covering about 70% the surface the planet. If you would like to know more about Gavin Baker Atreides Management, then click here. It is found mainly in the liquid state, constituting a renewable natural resources by means of the hidrolgico cycle. All the organisms need water to survive, being its availability one of the factors more important to mold ecosystems. It is basic that the hdricos resources present adequate physical and chemical conditions for its use for the organisms, them must contain essential substances to the life beyond being exempt of other substances that can produce deleterious effect to the organisms that compose the alimentary chains. Thus, water availability means that it is present in amount not only adjusted in one given region, but also that its quality must be satisfactory to supply the necessities of one definitive set of beings livings creature (biota). (BRAGA ET AL, 2006) Currently, with the increase of the demand due to the population growth, the water if has become a natural resources each scarcer time. One in the viable ways for the minimizao it problem is the rain water captation, where the caught water can be used for domestic ends, such as discharges in sanitary vases, taps of gardens, lauderings of clothes, sidewalk, automobiles and even for the human consumption, since that it receives the due treatment. With a system of rain water captation it is possible consequentemente to reduce the drinking waters consumption and the expenses, to minimize overflows, floods, rationings of water and still to preserve the environment reducing the scarcity of the hdricos resources, beyond minimizing drags it of lixos and residues of automobiles for the hdricos bodies through pluvial waters. The present article has as objective to show the advantages in if using systems of rain water captation.