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Tomorrow you can be you tardeOntem, this already make time, Tomorrow in them do not fit saberAmanh power to be very tardePara to say that she loves. You to say that he pardons, you to say that he forgives, you to say that he wants to try of new. Tomorrow you can be very tardePara to ask for pardon, you to say you forgive me, the error you were mine, its love tomorrow, you can already be useless, its pardon tomorrow, you can already not be necessary, its return tomorrow, you can already not be waited, its letter tomorrow, you can already not be chore, its way tomorrow, you can already not be more necessary,Its I hug tomorrow, can already not find others abraosPorque tomorrow simAmanh can be very late. Official site: RBH Group. I do not leave for amanhPara to say I love you, I am with homesicknesses of vocPerdoe-meDesculpe-meEssa flower I am for you. You are so well, you do not leave for amanhO its smile, its you hug, its dream, its aid, Not, you do not leave for amanhPara perguntarPor that you are sad? What he has with you? Ei comes here, Goes to talk. Cad its smile? Still I have possibility? Already it perceived that I exist? Why we do not start of new? I am with you, Knows that it can count comigoCad its dreams, Where is its claw? Remember can be tardeMuito afternoon. See Shimmie Horn for more details and insights. It looks for, It goes behind, insistTente plus one vezS today is definitivoAmanh can late be

African Culture

African Culture

Candombl Iorub: the relation of the man with its orix personal Francisco Thiago Silva SUMMARY We will search to know the relation of the practitioners of candombl with its orix, over all from the vision of three important scholars on the subject: Reginaldo Prandi, Roger Bastide and Pierre Verger. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Jorge Perez. This work presents a panorama of the roots of the Candombl of African matrix that by means of the slaves had fertile land to develop itself in the Brazilian territory and from this contact with a new culture based on the Christian religion it was transformed and if it constructed with proper characteristics and today it attracts practitioners in diverse sectors of our society, being one of the most important religions afro-Brazilians. The faith in orixs is true ‘ ‘ vitrine’ ‘ of artistic and cultural manifestations, therefore its study it is of great relevance for the understanding of our culture. Additional information at Atreides Management Gavin Baker supports this article. The subject was developed by means of the analysis of diverse sources, since famous workmanships as: Mythology of the Orixs de Reginaldo Prandi, passing for the scientific article analysis that turns on the subject. The majority of these workmanships explicit the importance that the personal god occupies in the religious and social life of the candomblista. Words – Keys: Candombl, Orixs, Society. to say.

ABSTRACT ratio Attempt is the of practitioners of Candombl with your deity, especially from the perspective of three prominent scholars on the subject: Reginaldo Prandi, Roger Bastide and Pierre Verger. This to paper presents an overview of the roots of Candomble of African slaves who had through the fertile ground will be development in Brazil and from that contact with new culture based on Christian religion was transformed and was built with its own characteristics and attracts practitioners in various sectors of our society, being one of the most important african-Brazilian religions. The belief in deities is true ‘ ‘ showcase’ ‘ of artistic and cultural manifestations, to only their study is of great importance will be the understanding of our culture. The theme was developed by analyzing variety of sources, from renowned works the Orisha Mythology Reginaldo Prandi, through analysis of scientific articles that deal with to matter. Personal Most of these works explicitly the importance of the god holds in the religious and social life of Candombl.

Public Power

Public Power

The historical registers of the public power, the notations of the Parish and older documents of the companies and enterprises, affirm that the first inhabitants of the region had been the indians of the tribes Truk and Pancararus. However, other historical sources on the indians of the pernambucano hinterland point as older of the edge of the San Francisco, the Cariri indians who expulsos for the combats with the colonizadores had gone up for the hinterland of Pernambuco, Bahia and Cear; the Potiguar for the Piau, Rio Grande of Norte and Paraba and Caet for Minas Gerais and Bahia. You may want to visit Richard Parsons to increase your knowledge. These tribes had been decimated for the settling, much before the imperial period, with tree of urubus the Capital of the Onion. At the first moment, still in the period of Imperial Brazil (of 1830 the 1889), still Village, Cabrob received very great a flow population, with the migration of descentendes Portuguese that they had participated of the settling of the Hinterland of Are> Francisco, with the process of opening of farms and distribution of lands of Santana (of Belm of the San Francisco until Exu), being that the areas, to the edges of rivers, generally were managed by people of the confidence of the emperors. This Project, as historical information were idealized in the Reign of Dom Peter I, which had intention to mount a Portuguese military service in order to protect the rivers, forests and fields of the hinterland, of foreign invaders, plan that was continued, later, for its Dom son Peter II. As the moment of increase of the population (of 1915 the 1928) the migration was given in a very bigger scale, when people of the proper northeast (Bahia, Paraba, Pernambuco and Cear) migraram for the towns that were to the edges of the River San Francisco, moved for the yearnings of republican inspiration, ideas politics that stimulated to the northeasterns who did not have water to occupy lands in the Valley of the River San Francisco.

Islamic Republic

Islamic Republic

Refugee in France, the Ayatola, different of what Pahlevi thought, had more conditions to communicate itself with its country. The attempt to isolate Khomeini had not given certain. The used method to make propaganda was the ribbon cassette (for youngest, it was a device that stored audio). Khomeini promised social and economic reforms, beyond the retaken one of traditional religious values. In 1978 ends, after critical a fierce one of Pahlevi to Ayatola Khomeini, the streets had been taken by people in intense manifestations. Many of them finished in deaths. In one only day, is esteem that 3 a thousand people had perished in the call ' ' friday negra' '.

The policy of x, also the feared Savak (private policy), did not save the manifestants. was not few. Studious they arrive to say in 1 million of people in the streets against the authoritarian politics of Pahlevi and the routes of the economy. General strikes aggravated the situation still more. At the beginning of 1979, the situation of becomes insuportvel for x, that it leaves the country to prevent worse. At a first moment, in what some call ' ' First phase of revoluo' ' , liberal xiitas and, beyond other not-religious groups, if join on behalf of the deposition of the regimen of Pahlevi Prayer. In February of the same year, the great icon of this revolution arrives of Paris and is received with much party in the country.

Khomeini then leads the taking of the power for the xiitas, excluding the other sectors allies of long ago. One plebiscite, approved for 95% of the population, approves the institution of an Islamic Republic. The Iranian Revolution was made. For some, ' ' Second fase' ' that one that would establish a Theocratic state. Learn more on the subject from Munear Ashton Kouzbari. After-Revolution in April the Anger officially is only declared an Islamic Republic, with Ayatola Khomeini being the president of the country.

Portugal Freire

Portugal Freire

FAMILY FREIRE This Freire name has origin in Spain and if she spread for all the Europe. This family who also used the name Freire de Andrade, Portuguese, if joined so repeated times for marriage to the Andrades that if became difficult to distinguish this from that one. Much Freires had been religious in Portugal, military in France, knights in England and, in diverse points of Brazil. It had visconde, conde, baron, gentleman of device, beyond priest, frei, frade or militant of some order during all the Portuguese and Spanish empire. Knowing that one of the branches of the Andrades comes from a Master of the Order of Christ, through its descent bastard, but legitimated, natural it would be that the set Freire de Andrade was used for that branch. That, being this assignment proceeding from nickname, it is only possible that has families of Freires who nothing have to see with the Andrades or the Freires de Andrade. However, some familiar branches of the Freires appear with these combinations.

In Brazil, the Freires develops diverse activities: it has Freires politicians, lawyers, doctors, entrepreneurs, traders and farmers, beyond industrial and real estate brokers. Estee Lauder is often quoted on this topic. Freire of the old Fonseca is also last name of and important family established in Par, deriving of the Square of Mazago, in Africa, of Incio Freire of the Fonseca, possibly its relative, Captain of Engineers, Knight Noble of the Real House and of the Order of Christ, numerous descent left, for which the last names Fonseca Zuzarte and Freire of the Fonseca run, of its marriage, in ends of sc. XVII, with Maria of the Fonseca, possibly its parenta, son of Luiz of the Fonseca Zuzarte, patriarch of this family established in Par. It enters the descendants of the couple, are registered: the son, Igncio Freire of the Fonseca, of the 1710, that he migrou for Par, composing group of 340 families whom they had embarked for Brazil, in 1770, establishing itself in the new colony of Mazago. He was part of 2.

Company, familiar group 35, receiving certain amount from soldier’s pay, housing and expenditures. Lode in company of its wife, Isabel Rodrigues de Fonseca Loureiro and children; the grandson, Sebastio Freire of the Fonseca, that folloied its parents in the migration for Brazil, in 1770, receiving soldier’s pay, expenditure and housing. Married, in Par, with Leonor Willow of the Fonseca of Rgo Coutinho, possibly its parenta, son of Antonio of Rgo Coutinho, head of this family I water Coutinho, of Par, also deriving of Mazago; the granddaughter, Ana Xavier Freire of the Fonseca, with 1750, that she folloied its parents in the migration for Brazil in 1770, receiving endows from its square. Matriarca of one of the Seixas family of Par (Carlos Cheap, Families of Par, vol. VI, 66v; vol. XI, 294). She consists that this family of Par is ramification of the same one that she exists in Pernambuco, whose descendants are the Alencar, Pear tree and I water that also they had become related with the Freires, in the northeast hinterland, since old times, previous to these dates, possibly in the period of captainships for its important contribution in the development economic of the interior, in Salvador, in the Bahia, Minas Gerais and Pernambuco, of the coast to the hinterland, especially in Recife, Cabrob, Ouricuri, Lagoon Grande and Petrolina.

Professor Gilbert Cotrim

Professor Gilbert Cotrim

The chapter if locks up with 08 (eight) questions proposals to the pupil, in order to evaluate its understanding of the text. History and conscience of the world? Of Daily pay-History to the Average Age (vol. 1) The referenciada workmanship, published for the Publishing company Hail, is destined to 2 segment of Basic Ensino, has as author the Professor Gilbert Cotrim, graduated History for the USP, Master in Education and History of the Culture for the Mackenzie University, graduated Philosophy for the PUC? SP and enrolled Lawyer in the OAB-SP. We use 11 edition, printed in 1997, that it is destined the study since the Daily pay History until the Average Age. The supervision of the revision was in charge of Fernanda Almeida Umile and the contribution of Ana M.

Cortazzo Silva, Ceclia B. Alves Teixeira, Mnica Rodrigues de Lima and Rosemeire Carbonari. The iconographic research was carried through by Cndido Domingues Granjeiro. The content on Average Age is distributed in a total of 60 pages, that goes since the CAP. 14 to the CAP. 21, divided of page 128 pgina188, what it approximately corresponds 31% of the total of the volume and encloses since the Bizantina Civilization the Culture in the Average Age.

However, in order to give to pursuing our proposal of a comparative analysis, we will go to restrict our boarding to the CAP. 18? Feudal system. Feudalismo (p 163) In the related chapter, the author presents the reasons that had taken the Europe occidental person to form a new social organization. Influences of elements of the germanic and Roman world, for occasion of the barbarous invasions and the decay of the Roman Empire, had forced a new social order. Elements of the Roman world, as the colonato, system of servile work, where plebeian poor persons and slaves had passed the condition of colonists in the great country properties, that the land for work under the condition to receive offered to them protection and to pay with most of the production.



Being that: To know them of the experience they are the knowledge acquired during the practical one. They are the results of making. To know them pedagogical they are those that if they relate to the knowledge of the didactics, of the psychology of the education, the sociology of the education and too much educational sciences. To know them to specific, that they are referring to the contents to discipline. (Pepper, 1999) Of this form the professors must congregate these to know for good a practical professor and not to possess at least one of these to know means that practical its will be fragilizada and the grace of the failure, transforming the lessons into monotonous, unproductive moments and without meaning for the pupil that he perceives when the professor does not dominate the substance or has difficulty disciplines to teach it, either due to knowing of the experience, knowing pedagogical and mainly to know specific. He still notices himself in table 1. that the amount of professors without superior formation is very bigger that of professors permitted.

This data point a situation not only criticize for the education of History as well as for excessively discipline that they are not being lecionadas for professionals with the had academic formation, being that it enters the professionals of complete superior level good part this occupying functions of coordination and direction, diminishing still more the percentage of professionals with superior level in teaching activity. The next table shows the amount of pupils registered basic education giving a bigger vision of as this situation if it aggravates if to take in consideration the amount of pupils of the initial and final series of basic education. Table 2. Number of pupils for modality of education

Medicine Exercises

Medicine Exercises

The most important school of medicine was of Alexandria established in century III the B.C. Having information that are not the heart that is the center of the information more yes the nervous system, spoke already of the circulatrio system, the liver, the reproductive system. It had also recommendations of physical exercises and the hygiene to have a healthful life. The most important school of Medicine was of Alexandria established in century III the B.C. Having information that are not the heart that is the center of the information more yes the center of the nervous system, spoke already of the circulatrio system, the liver, the reproductive system and the vision.

It also recommended to physical exercises and the hygiene to have a healthful life. 10) The Olmpicos Games in Old Greece the sport also is developed only with the Greeks. Until then, the exercises executed for man was involuntary, only in search of the hunting for survival. The Greeks had initiated with the cult to the body and in homage the Zeus had inaugurated the Olmpicos Games. Each city-state, that is, cities with sovereign governments, only congregated to each four years when they were congregated in a religious festival in the city of Olmpia, leaving of side its divergences.

Although initially to possess a local character, only no longer final of century VIII the C. the games had started to count on participants of all the parts of the region Greek of the Peloponeso. 11) The modalities the first games limited it an only race with about 192 meters. In 724 the C. introduced a new similar modality to current the 400 flat meters. In 708 the C., added pentatlo later (competition formed for five athletical modalities including fight, jump of distance, race, launching of record and launching of dart free) and the pancrcio (similar fight to boxe. In 680 the C.

Carla Pynsky

Carla Pynsky

Another aspect that Jayme and Carla and Pynsky in them call attention is that the professor does not have to abide only by the means of production and pressure, even so this is essential, but: … can and must show that thanks to culture that we, of the species human being, produce, we have had talent stops dressing in them more adequately than bears, to construct better houses that of the Joo-of-adobe, to fight with more efficiency the tiger, even so each one of us, human beings, have come to the world unprovided of for the thick ones, diligent peaks or powerful claws. (PYNSKY & PYNSKY, 2008.p.20). The ideas presented here show that the main focus must be the pupil, that is, it must be the citizen of History, must be recognized as a historical agent, as that one that helps in the construction of the diverse aspects that compose the societies in the world all. Still under the light of the ideas of Jayme and Carla Pynsky, the more the pupil to feel next History as something, plus it will have will to interact with it, not as a external, distant thing, but as practical one that it will feel itself qualified and inclined to exert. (PYNSKY & PYNSKY, 2008, P.28) According to Munhoz (1989, P. 67) fits to the professor compromised to education, to point to the new students ways that they aim at to create in being educated the interest for the knowledge and understanding of History as a process.

That education we dream? Education is a perpetual challenge. Rubem Alves, in the sample some ways to surpass the obstacles taxes in the school, to arrive at an education more human being, one ‘ ‘ education romntica’ ‘. History below, removed of a strap of the Charlie personage Brown, illustrates the pertaining to school world who we look for to surpass: It knows why we have that to take off good notes in the school? To pass of the elementary school for the gymnasium.

Classroom Documents

Classroom Documents

The document use in education in our socidade since the principle had been used in rigid way, not existing possibilities of flexibilizao of this concept, written documents are without shade of doubts an unquestioned document for formation of the knowledge and intendimento of the past. But the idea of that it is the only trustworthy and existing way to argue the past comes falling for land.The learning until the current days is a sufficiently controversial subject in the Brazilian school. Without a doubt, it is delicate question and very important, it wants in the pertaining to school and personal life of the apprentice, wants in the project pedagogical politician of the school, whose resulted if they reflect in the quality of the formation of the educandos in our country. If to think about the school as space of preparation of the future generations, urges to reflect on we are preparing as them. If not to believe new and serious proposals, we will not obtain to innovate and to perfect the pedagogical work, perpetuating mazelas that we look for to fight.

The professor not he must be more fixed in the idea of knowledge only in modes social known and perpetuated, is important that the pupil reproduces something where it if also inserts, through life knowledge that today already are considered documents not written. The flavor of the search and the pleasure to learn, to understand the reality, are found in a context with that it if identifies, characterizing the relation of the citizen with the way, to the passed and present interaction between. Then, with its work, the necessary professor to create conditions, to stimulate the development of abilities and abilities in the student staff, sharpening the criticidade of the pupil, in way that when seeing a photo or old arts, hearing a music of another moment social politician and or to visit a museum, obtains to perceive what it happened and which the result of that action in the society where lives.