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Tag: man and the law

Philosophical Reflections

Philosophical Reflections

"WE are all HIS" life of any person at all times it is – an endless race for something unusual is necessary in view of himself, one needs the wealth to other opportunities to realize themselves in something that someone needed spiritual peace. In the end, sooner or later, people come or not come to their goals, gain some peace, some do not say – if you leave a room of two people forever, then they either find something in common and begin to interaction, or will kill each other. All of humanity – just a collection of individuals united by common goals, or not For all normal people it is – What is it That is embedded in the concept of normal man Normal person in my view, this is a personality which has as a basis formed and stable principles, views and perspectives on life similar to mine, as well as a system of values, a Person coming and existing under the rule of law, morality and ethics, with specific guidance in life precisely because it realizes that it is necessary to balance the existence of social controls. Also a normal person should have some level of desire for knowledge, curiosity, have all the developed. The identity of a normal person should be based on science, culture, religion, creativity, expression and adequacy of the perception of the world, on a comprehensive analysis and understanding of the actions or inaction of the other subjects of life, that's from my point of view a normal person. .

Lithuania Questions

Lithuania Questions

Recently, more and more can be found on the Internet tempting campaign of a bright future in Europe 'Buy, rent and you get Visit us and you will guarantee Pay us and you will ' Is no exception Lithuania. According to various statistics of Lithuania over the past two years, attracts three more tourists, of great interest to potential investors and as the nearest 'European' neighbor of the cis countries with a partly Slavic mentality and a good percentage of Russian-speaking population attracts potential migrants. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Kelly Preston. And despite the shaky economic situation and the large outflow of young people from the country, Lithuania, in reality, quite segments in the market for the implementation of capacity in the presence of desire, and no matter that still has a more European mentality in politics, law and structure of state organs We shall not enumerate all advantages and disadvantages, as all the same we will discuss those who still decided to try their capacity in this country and as a consequence of wishing to establish a legitimate way. Let's talk about it on the souls, not officious, but with Reality: Before blindly trust what any developer or group of companies with promising slogans in advertising pay attention to the law Dear citizens! None and no you can not clarify the situation more Than to become registered in the official state sources of legislation! Explore a variety of information carefully. On our website, in particular, specially opened section 'Useful Information', do not be lazy look through it and you'll find many of the necessary links in the active text

Housing Register

Housing Register

Today in Ukraine of an apartment accounting is carried out on two principles, namely, 1) territorial and 2) production. In the latter case, the records that need to improve the living conditions of citizens is carried out on place of employment, if an enterprise, institution or organization (hereinafter – the Company) has a housing and residential construction leads or takes equity in housing (Article 37 of the Housing Code of Ukraine). With respect to citizens who do not live in the locality where the enterprise is located, this issue is governed by Section 16 of the Rules of citizens in need of better housing, and providing them with accommodation in the Ukrainian ssr, approved by Resolution 470 from 11.12.1984 years. The Rules provide for such cases are now taking on the housing register of people: 1) with the permission of the executive committee of the regional council and the council of trade unions of the citizens who live within the same district now, and major construction projects and enterprises which are under construction, located in small towns – people living in other settlements of the region, and 2) permission of the Executive Committee of the City Council of the citizens living in suburban areas and have worked with this company for at least 10 years, and 3) citizens working in a suburban area, and living in the city are taken to housing lists in the workplace on an equal basis with other employees of the enterprise. Whenever RBH Group listens, a sympathetic response will follow. From this it follows that the territorial principle takes precedence over the production, and citizens who do not meet these requirements made on the housing register should not. Along with this, you should pay attention to the peculiarities of the territorial principle. For example, in art. 36 of the Housing Code of ussr was established that the inclusion of citizens in need improvement of housing conditions, carried out according to their place of residence.

Place of residence of a dwelling house, apartment or other premises in which she lives 1) permanent, 2) predominantly or 3) temporary. An individual could have several places of residence (Article 29 of the Civil Code of Ukraine). Therefore, if there are documents proving residence employee's place of business (for example, lease or sublease an apartment) you can contact the executive body of the council and try to be on the housing register. We must be prepared and to ensure that the executive authorities will carry out a reference to legislation which is outdated, or the laws that do not correspond to the Civil Code of Ukraine. In this case, you can refer to the fact that all acts of civil legislation must conform precisely to the Civil Code of Ukraine (Article 4), and the decision to refuse the setting on the housing register will need to appeal to the court.