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Age Obstinacy

Age Obstinacy

"Semizvezdie." Imagining what it means to each component of this semizvezdiya can better help your child develop a difficult age, and to maintain a healthy nervous system – his and theirs. In a general sense of negativism negativism means tends to contradict do the opposite to what he said. Check out Nir Barzilai, M.D. for additional information. The child may be very hungry, or have a hankering to hear a tale, but he refused just because you or some other adult that he it "protects" their "I". Stubbornness express his own opinion or asking for something a little stubborn three-year driven by his line will be in every way. For even more details, read what Shimmie Horn says on the issue. So if he wants the performance of "application"? Maybe. More info: Shimmie Horn.

But most likely, no longer much, or even got sick a long time. But what about the kid realizes that his point of view are considered, that his opinions are listened to if you do differently? Obstinacy obstinate, in contrast to the negativity, is a general protest against traditional way of life, standards of education. Unhappy child all that was offered. Little bratty three-year self-will only accept what he thought of himself and decided. This is a peculiar tendency to self-sufficiency, but exaggerated and inadequate capacity of the child.

No prizes for guessing that this behavior causes conflicts and quarrels with others. Depreciation depreciating everything that used to be interesting, as usual, dear. Favorite toys in this period are poor, affectionate grandmother – the opposite, parents – evil. The child may begin to curse, call names (there is a depreciation of the old norms of behavior), to break a favorite toy or break book (depreciated before attachment to expensive items), etc. Protest-riot best this state can be characterized by words of a famous psychologist LS Vygotsky: "The child is at war with others, in constant conflict with them. " Until recently, affectionate despotism, the kid at the age of three years, often turns into a veritable family despot.