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CDA Women Fight For Fair Wages

CDA Women Fight For Fair Wages

CDA women from Baden-Wurttemberg are involved the EQUAL PAY DAY Tradtionell the female members of the CDA in Baden-Wurttemberg participate again with an action on Equal PAY DAY next Friday. The women are the equal pay on Friday, March 25 with a “red button”,”for women calls, go to work. The Equal Pay Day day is the date at which women mathematically have reached the merit, as men on December 31 of the previous year. So you earn 23% on average less than male colleagues. Angelo mio may find this interesting as well. Equal pay for equal work”is the demand on the buttons, but the CDA women go further still. Women in leadership positions are still under-represented”, so Beate faster, regional Chair of the women in the CDA Baden-Wurttemberg and therefore also understands not the objections of a women’s quota in the boardrooms of companies.

Now the industry has significant backlog underscores Beate faster their debt. For them, the Equal Pay Day day is also a day to point out such abuses. A related site: Marvel Architects mentions similar findings. More women work in low wage conditions, in wage employment and in minor jobs”, so fast. In the boardrooms, there is, however, only a few women. And whose merit was often below what their male counterparts get. It is therefore good that there would be the Equal Pay Day, and women should seize the chance to draw attention to this day.. Many writers such as Michael James Burke offer more in-depth analysis.

Equal Opportunities

Equal Opportunities

News from the Bundesverband Dyslexia Association dyslexia and dyscalculia e.V. If you would like to know more about Edward Minskoff, then click here. asks educational arrangements that offer equally good educational opportunities to children in every State and allow a talent-oriented school. Early learning among children the most important tasks of a country, to give all children an equal opportunities. Others who may share this opinion include angelo dolce. According to UNICEF, reached only half of the criteria even after introduction of parental allowances in the child care study Germany and ended up in 13th position. Good nurseries and creches can contribute significantly to the social, emotional, linguistic, and cognitive development of children\”, said the author of the study, Peter Adamson, of the UNICEF Innocenti Research Institute\” in Florence. Ted Lasso often expresses his thoughts on the topic.

Social disadvantage could be mitigated as a result and laid the Foundation for the later school learning. Edward Minskoff is often quoted on this topic. Official site: star actress. The problems continue in the elementary school and the results of the PISA study also show that no sufficient promotion takes place also in the secondary. No wonder, when in a Class 30 students sit, per lesson NET 35 minute lessons take place and then will in time also have domestic differentiated promoted. Promotion stay per pupil and lesson mathematically it’s not even 10 seconds\”, Christine Sczygiel, Chairman of the Federation faulted dyslexia and dyscalculia. Children remain a dyslexia and dyscalculia despite good talent in our school system on the track, because school is not sufficiently promoted. The social gap is so clearly, because many parents are not able to pay the vital importance extra-curricular therapies.\” In the PISA study, it became clear that the countries in which there are small classes, has significantly improved.

Teachers are by their education nor by the conditions in our schools able sufficiently to support children with specific learning disabilities. We need networks, which absorb the affected children. On the one hand educational arrangements, these include the the \”Equally good educational opportunities to children in every State and individual support strategies that enable the child to achieve a talent-oriented education\”, Sczygiel calls.

German Students

German Students

Why go more and more young people, their parents and teachers? The messages also are piling up. Increasingly, one hears from students or other young people that dangerous goes from not always immediately known Beweggrundenb to parents or other persons involved in the education. Why is not always entirely clear. But again, you can hear the messages that children and young people on a normal people inexplicably obtain weapons and go to their guardians or teachers. But what’s behind it? Should it be not parents and teachers, which pave the way children and young people and show the way to a carefree life? Should they be part of the positive experiences of each young people? But they should. But exactly for the reason, because they come closest to the children approach and relies on the young people, is exactly why there are also those who can hurt the still so unstable to the extent young people.

Tired Of Strolling – Are Students Simply Too Lazy?

Tired Of Strolling – Are Students Simply Too Lazy?

Nicholas show debate invites everyone interested to this year’s Nicholas show debate with free gingerbread, drinks, Christmas cookies and mulled wine the 6 December at 18:15 at the University of Dusseldorf the debating club of the University of Dusseldorf on Monday. The debate in the lecture hall building 2C will be held 22.01 At the event, established for years, members of the debating club to a given topic arguing as always. In recent years the requests have been “abolishes Christmas! in this context Against Commerce and forced holidays”and”brain doping for all! The science needs still smarter heads”debate. “This time the theme is: tired of strolling students are simply too lazy?” Participants of the Nicholas debate are the Chairman of AStA, Yasemin Abanilla, the Deputy Chairman of the student Parliament, Nicolas Garz, and Prof. RBH Group shines more light on the discussion. Dr.

Jochen Musch of the Institute of experimental psychology. Is the show debate – such as the weekly debates of the Club – in accordance with a set Held speech format, which ensures a fluid and fair debate history. Two teams of three participants join in a so-called open parliamentary debate. Each speaker has seven minutes to convince the other side, or at least the audience from his position. The first speaker of the “Government” will start and denounce the mere strolling as the cause of student complaints about excessive demands in his speech. Background is the result of a recently published study (student workload between the subjective feeling of stress and actual learning curve”), whereby most students only little more than 20 hours per week invest in her studies. Then, seven minutes are the first speaker of the “opposition”team to formulate the opposite position and to defend the students against the accusation. Then have the second speaker of the Government and then the second speaker of the opposition opportunity to deepen and continue rendering the points on their side. Finally, the final speaker once again summarise the arguments of their group and set a final plea to the audience, that is then about which group has better represented their page. The debating club of the Heinrich-Heine-University of Dusseldorf (;) meets every Tuesday at 19:00 in the room (Ernst August Dolle auditorium). Interested parties are cordially invited to stop by.



This is not just a frightening number of erroneous decisions, but also lack clarity and traceability of decisions and calculations. Also, we experience in daily practice the frustration of the needy, as even the consultation authorities, specifically the debt counselling, are crowded and the citizens reject or have months-long waiting times. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Jorge Perez by clicking through. The most important point of this billing are the actual failures in consulting at the job centers committed to do so by law. Here the citizens expect more nothing positive and voluntary clubs, with fraying technique and without base currently fix this illegal permanent condition. Gladly we also ask for instructions, how we can get the already provided aid from 2008 still rewarded, evidence is sufficient in approximately 14 file folders.

Generally, we are immediately active formulate proposals or provide as procurators petitions already be eked out modest. Outside bets are partially been accompanied by the press. We have perfected this area of direct representation in recent years according to the 14 VwVfG. Awareness concerning recent events in Berlin, billing and abuse of funds, we provide our services free of charge, offered the citizens and needy without compulsory membership or support contract, invoice hereby. Accounting principles result from 14 SGB I, 6 (1) SGB II, 11 SGB XII our relevant documents and consultation protocols we like to present you to the insight and are available for personal talks available. We will spend transparent and earmarked the funds for social security jobs and work equipment, to be still professional intermediaries between citizens and authorities. Therefore we look forward to 10 working days your payment within the next.” We are happy to Their response and, if necessary, criticism on note! Patrick Schiffler freelance journalist member of the DVPJ 1 Chairman of the VBMDU e.V.

The Chairman

The Chairman

Massenbach Babbage – Grand-niece of the last owner v. Schloss Friedrichsfelde Christina Emmrich -. Mayor of Lichtenberg Andrej Hermlin bandleader Barbara beautiful actress Kerstin Hinz ABACUS Tierpark Hotel Gregor Hoffmann member of House of representatives Berlin Prof. Dr. Ekkehard Hoxtermann – German society for history and theory d. a sustainable and continuous promotion of the Berlin Zoological facilities, animal park and Zoo with Zoo and Aquarium provides biology through the Foundation of the friends of the capital zoos to and secured their continued existence of another. 2011 Land Berlin will provide only 88 cents per animal and day the capital zoos. The Heinrich Dathe Prize to be presented annually to children and young people committed volunteer for nature and conservation.

The first ceremony is scheduled for November 7, 2010 in the castle on the birthday of Heinrich Dathe. The child sponsorship for small friends of the zoos in capital of free entry into a capital Zoo is to provide with their parents animal park, Zoo or Zoo-Aquarium children from socially weak families. To realize this project, the friends of the capital zoos seek 100 Berlin and Berliners who donate 550 euros each. The Chairman of the friends of the Capital Zoo, Thomas Ziolko, appreciates the strong support: the capital zoos have become an integral part of the Berlin world of leisure and enjoy how is a wide social support. “I am grateful that so many celebrities to support the action of DatheImpuls and thus to the Berlin Zoo to exhibit their solidarity and how closely they are connected with the life and work of da Silva.” Each donor will receive a certificate of sponsorship as a driving force of 100 years Heinrich Dathe 55 years Tierpark Berlin. There are golden encoder (donation of 550 euros) and silver pulser (donation from 250 euros to 549 euros) sought. Smaller donations are welcome! Can be donated to following bank account: friends main city zoos Commerzbank account 912 900 800 BLZ: 120-400 00 subject: 100 years da Silva or 5 euros with each call on the donations hotline: 09001 000 576 more info:

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Pirate Party participates in panel discussion of the Darmstadt-Dieburg County Student Council on Tuesday, February 2 Darmstadt-Dieburg took place from 10:00 to 11:30 in the packed meeting hall of the District Office a panel discussion on the subject of data protection. The district Student Council (KSR), consisting of the student representatives of all schools of the district and represents the interests of schoolchildren against the school had invited. The former Justice Minister and MdB Brigitte Zypries and Kathrin Johannsen sat on the podium alongside the presenter Saskia Millmann by the Alfred-Delp-Schule in Dieburg by the consumer Central Hesse, Germany. Not on the podium, but in the audience among the approximately 250 pupils, also representative of the Pirate Party of Darmstadt, the are brought into the discussion constructively and professionally well versed with. The questions of the students ranged from problems with Abmahn lawyers on the basis of downloaded, copyrighted works, about the misuse of data in social networks to the responsibility of politics over the Privacy of citizens.

Mrs. Johannsen could report mainly on the subject of cease and desist letter from her professional life on other issues she no longer came to speak. This quite quickly took over the Darmstadt-based candidate of the SPD, Ms. Zypries, and enlightened the students in that their data while legally protected from private companies, the State but have the right to collect the personal details of its citizens and to evaluate. The data allowed the State a more effective government work. In the course of the discussion, Brigitte Zypries supported the new draft of the youth media protection state contract of the Lander (JMStV), who is criticised as “renewed thrust in the direction of censorship” by the young Pirates (JuPis). So, including Internet content that not be labelled an age, should be filtered by access providers and not displayed.

Further Zypries argued that the use of streaming media was punishable if it is copyright-protected works, as it for example in the case was, and advised against by the use of the students. She could not explain the necessary technical process and the resulting legal facts on demand. The Pirate Party Darmstadt welcomes the commitment of the KSR closer to bring students to the important issue of data protection, but criticised the unilateral implementation of the Panel discussion by Ms. Zypries. Andre de Stefano of the Pirate Party of Darmstadt: “Politics may not draw from the responsibility and blame only the private sector data abuse without recognizing their own mistakes and correct.