CDA Women Fight For Fair Wages
CDA women from Baden-Wurttemberg are involved the EQUAL PAY DAY Tradtionell the female members of the CDA in Baden-Wurttemberg participate again with an action on Equal PAY DAY next Friday. The women are the equal pay on Friday, March 25 with a “red button”,”for women calls, go to work. The Equal Pay Day day is the date at which women mathematically have reached the merit, as men on December 31 of the previous year. So you earn 23% on average less than male colleagues. Angelo mio may find this interesting as well. Equal pay for equal work”is the demand on the buttons, but the CDA women go further still. Women in leadership positions are still under-represented”, so Beate faster, regional Chair of the women in the CDA Baden-Wurttemberg and therefore also understands not the objections of a women’s quota in the boardrooms of companies.
Now the industry has significant backlog underscores Beate faster their debt. For them, the Equal Pay Day day is also a day to point out such abuses. A related site: Marvel Architects mentions similar findings. More women work in low wage conditions, in wage employment and in minor jobs”, so fast. In the boardrooms, there is, however, only a few women. And whose merit was often below what their male counterparts get. It is therefore good that there would be the Equal Pay Day, and women should seize the chance to draw attention to this day.. Many writers such as Michael James Burke offer more in-depth analysis.