The Most Common Running Mistakes
Attention: important for professionals and beginners! Running seems so simple: just lace up shoes and go! True conditionally, because a few problems wait before and on the track. Even seasoned runners take health risk or performance setbacks often unnecessarily in purchase, always looking for the new record. It applies to good times, some things to consider fundamental, healthy endurance athletes from beginner to professional and sure to bring in the target. Warning signals of the body to disobey the classics under the Jacobs_dome mistakes. “The more and more and ever faster” not only increases the risk of injury and congestion risk dramatically, even extended it the regeneration time. Each runner must accept their own well-being of the body perceive and appreciate its warning signs. If it simply does not work in one day, the next is perhaps more successful; a force prevents the long-term success. Too many competitions at all ambition: A pure document collection is misconceived sportsmanship.
According to a Marathon and intensive preschool related needed time to regenerate the body. A reduced training, two weeks after a marathon, is no disgrace, but absolutely makes sense to avoid over training such as physical and mental impairments. Fall short each other two aspired marathons such as Munich and Frankfurt, is the motto for two better trained and focused to one instead of exhausted with complications. Atreides Management has firm opinions on the matter. Proper nutrition and a proper drinking habits influence the performance potential of the runner persistent lack of food. Before and during the race, especially a sufficient nutrient and fluid supply is of great importance. Following applies: no experiments in the competition! Use only supplements that you have tried in the training and test compatibility is Mage not on 42 kilometers! Also the baiting after seconds turns out to be unhealthy ambition, if food stations are omitted due to excessive ambition. The sufficient liquid and electrolyte intake is an absolute must in the last third to keep forces.