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Month: September 2014

Inclusion Education

Inclusion Education

The guarantee of accessibility to the constructions, as determines the ABNT and the municipal laws, depend on the complete elimination of the barriers architectural. In the constructions, these obstacles occur mainly in accesses, areas of horizontal and vertical circulation, openings (doors and windows), sanitary, dressings room, swimming pools and movable. (water throughs, wallets, tables). 5. The IMPORTANCE OF the ART AND the PHYSICAL EDUCATION IN the INCLUSION the visual arts, beyond the traditional forms (painting, sculpture, drawing, engraving, architecture, device, industrial drawing), include other modalities that result of the technological advances and aesthetic transformations from modernity (graphical photograph, arts, cinema, television, video, computation, performance). Each one of these visualidades is used in particular way and in some possibilities of combinations between images, for intermediary of which the pupils can express themselves and communicate themselves it in different ways enters. The current world characterizes for an use of the visualidade in inigualveis amounts in history, creating a universe of multiple exposition for the human beings, what it generates the one necessity education to know to perceive and to distinguish feelings, sensations, ideas and qualities. Therefore the study of the visualidades it can be integrated in the educational projects.

Such learning can favor understanding so that the pupil develops its sensitivity, affectivity and its concepts ampler and if it locates critically. 6. FINAL CONSIDERAES the basic education would have to aim at basically to the preparation for the exercise of the citizenship, fitting to the school to form the pupil in knowledge, abilities, values, attitudes, forms to think and to act in the society through a learning that is significant. This implies in an analysis of the instruments and processes gifts in the educational institutions. Some questions intrigue the mind of many educators and they are always points of quarrel in the educational meetings. What to teach and with which objective? How to favor the learning significant and what it is this? Why and so that to evaluate? That instruments to use? Test? Note or concept? In my opinion, to argue evaluation and learning, involve much more of that to argue ' ' forms of avaliao' ' or ' ' metodologias' '.

State Research Centre

State Research Centre

" President of the International Institute for Liberty and Democracy Hernando de Soto: "The current crisis is a crisis of confidence. We do not trust, someone else on the market. " Comment: For peace to come to the senses, it is necessary to build economic relations between people and nations so that the development had no advantage over others. You need to explore and take into account the laws of the integral system of harmonious existence as a single organism, in which each cell acts in the interests of the whole, and gradually correct themselves in accordance with them. Should: – establish a distribution only to the extent necessary to everyone – to organize general education law, the existence of humanity as a single and a developing system. Even the first move in this direction will lead us to harmony with Nature. The present crisis frees enough people and energy to this project.

Knowledge about the world which we suddenly found ourselves, accept all understanding. This will prepare us to the growing crisis. Even today, we must begin to learn to live in a single coupled system, where each depends the salvation of all. We need to learn to live in the new world! M. Kaplan more: Crisis: Past laws do not work, but we do not know the new 'hot' line opened in Moscow 'hot' line of emergency psychological assistance to victims of the consequences global economic crisis. Get a free psychiatrist by telephone, and, around the clock. Calls to the Muscovites will meet specialists of the State Research Centre for Social and Forensic Psychiatry named after the Serbian.



Being that: To know them of the experience they are the knowledge acquired during the practical one. They are the results of making. To know them pedagogical they are those that if they relate to the knowledge of the didactics, of the psychology of the education, the sociology of the education and too much educational sciences. To know them to specific, that they are referring to the contents to discipline. (Pepper, 1999) Of this form the professors must congregate these to know for good a practical professor and not to possess at least one of these to know means that practical its will be fragilizada and the grace of the failure, transforming the lessons into monotonous, unproductive moments and without meaning for the pupil that he perceives when the professor does not dominate the substance or has difficulty disciplines to teach it, either due to knowing of the experience, knowing pedagogical and mainly to know specific. He still notices himself in table 1. that the amount of professors without superior formation is very bigger that of professors permitted.

This data point a situation not only criticize for the education of History as well as for excessively discipline that they are not being lecionadas for professionals with the had academic formation, being that it enters the professionals of complete superior level good part this occupying functions of coordination and direction, diminishing still more the percentage of professionals with superior level in teaching activity. The next table shows the amount of pupils registered basic education giving a bigger vision of as this situation if it aggravates if to take in consideration the amount of pupils of the initial and final series of basic education. Table 2. Number of pupils for modality of education

Land Surveyors

Land Surveyors

Dignoz clear, and only one recipe – to call for help Surveyors, Land Surveyors or. Where to start? There will be ethical, if you dedicate to their plans of your neighbors. Quite possibly, they have long been suspicious of watching your experiments with the tape and scraps of paper, and more useless to keep them in suspense. Invite them to walk along the common border, show your papers, look them in the paper – quite probably find a couple of reference points from which you can restore anything from lost. Perhaps the negotiate with them to co-finance events, ranging from payment of surveyors and until the equity in the construction of your total intake. It is also possible that for some items you do not agree, and there is a conflict, but the good news is that all participating parties will clearly understand its essence. How to find the surveyors? In order not to run into sad sack, or the charlatans, please contact your local land management or architecture – you will be offered a list of organizations or businesses that have the appropriate license and proven earlier work performed. Ask prices.

Are looking for cheap. Prices for these works are normalized, usually cheaper achieved at the expense of the quality of work possible and blunders, as a consequence of saving the cycle of control measurements. Clearly express your problem. For example, 'requires restoring land borders-so, Located there is something that belongs to something on the basis of something. " Ask to prepare terms of reference. Read it carefully, pay attention to the list of deliverables. If you are offered simply to score in the ground stakes – run from them.

Do you need an explanatory note on the work performed, the Act on the restoration of borders and the site plan, with description and fixing points of the rotation angles land borders. If financing of operations carried out jointly with the neighbors, to specify the number of copies of the deliverables. Look at the amount estimated. If it is not very different from those previously announced by you, greatly beloved, understand a little of the planned activities, sign and wait safely at the appointed day, a team of specialists, usually 2-3. Do not forget to notify neighbors. Upon completion, you will be shown landmarks, offer to sign a deed of assignment these signs you under observation for preservation. Find out how you can restore them by using a tape measure only if inadvertently or someone else's malice of them will be destroyed. Well, if examination will be present and your neighbors – in case of queries can be accessed with the questions to the expert whose opinion will be perceived by all parties as a high official. Having reported materials, eliminating all uncertainty and establishing rapport, you can proceed directly to the construction of buildings. By the way, it is possible that in the process of surveying you change the original plans, and the fence you which one of parties significantly older .. however, possible, and vice versa – decide to limit symbolic ograzhdenitsem, or will leave a small stone wall gate – not to wear barbecues across the street. Live harmoniously! Vorobyov 2006

Connection Time

Connection Time

How do plan to spend the coming weekend? How to dispose of his leisure time? For you, the answer to these questions are not difficult? Everyone wants to achieve in their work the best results, so virtually the entire day is devoted to various classes, and they eventually pay off, but very little free time left for themselves. But also the setting for work and recreation is also essential, since our performance depends largely on the purity of the service and living quarters. It is extremely important circumstances are systematic and planned, which are cleaned apartments, offices, buildings and cottage. The more frequently in the office or wherever people live, will be cleaning, so salutary that will affect his health, energy, spirit. If the office or room very dusty, then the infiltration of the sun, it becomes clearly visible, as palpably feel the dust and breathing, which affects the well-being. To atmosphere in which we carry out her career or spend their leisure time, was comfortable and enjoyable, you should not forget to perform this action, such as cleaning houses or other buildings with the inevitable wiping the dust that does not constitute a significant work. All this is not difficult do, because you can place an order for the cleaning of the premises. Specialized firm immediately send to you the employees that will make cleaning the apartment, but this time you will be able to use more efficiently, in accordance with its plans for the day.

In particular, the time that you took away a cleaning, you can take useful things such as sports, socializing with family and friends, the implementation of urgent business. Or you can simply and relax. Entering the same in your home, you can revel in the pleasant atmosphere freshly room atmosphere of comfort and cleanliness. It happens that the required actions such as careful removal of dust and grease from furniture surfaces in the kitchen, as well as decontamination and disinfection of such premises as a bathroom and toilet. Sometimes a person can be difficult to clean up pollution in some corners of his apartment. It will help specialists in their case. That's why now cleaning flats houses many stopped to deliver a lot of trouble, because there are specialists for that.