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Month: September 2016



Being an entrepreneur, implies a responsibility. An entrepreneur must bear in mind that very soon will be serving their customers, since for that it has started a venture. A business can not survive without clients. Responsibility, therefore, of the entrepreneur is, analyze its customers to understand their needs, and everything they need to get ahead in your life. It is a compulsory diagnosis by an entrepreneur. Only thus can determine what should be given to our customers, when and how should be given, and in what amounts. There are certain steps that must be taken to avoid that a business project will fail, and those steps are directly related to certain characteristics of his personality. Without these innate characteristics in some cases on the personality of the entrepreneur, a venture could failing.

A venture is seen as expressing a vision, take action before the viewing, and continue the work to achieve the goals consistently proposals to our vision. I.e., leaving a mental state of desire and make it reality, through a series of actions, carried out with perseverance and perseverance. I can say that some features are attitudes and, in that context, some of the features required for a successful venture, are the following: 1.-optimism. A simple way, the optimism means see the future in a positive way, without promoting any circumstance that could impede the development of our business, but rather, minimizing them. Experience has shown that success depends on the knowledge and ability to handle difficult situations. 2 Creativity. It is thinking and acting out of the ordinary, but with common sense.

It is to broaden our minds further than ordinary and traditional, through a critical analysis of the circumstances and events. 3 Stability. An entrepreneur must be, at the same time, a leader; and a leader must have stability, in all senses of the life, physical, mental or emotional, and social.

Course Values

Course Values

ETHICS PROPOSAL. As has been frequently expressed, is not alien to our reality talk about ethics and ethics within our profession. Under this content, ethics as a branch of ethics, it is inevitable their object of study of moral duty, rules or theory or science of the duties applicable to any profession and ours is not as half or so away when applied in strict compliance with the ethics in the professional field of the lawyer. Therefore, ethical and legal professionally, what is sought in an irreversible way, is that the minimum component duties as are required of professionals in the course of their work, so it is based on principles and rules of ethics and moral . In our case we find that these principles, theories, or duties are crimp in the exercise of legal education. In other words, ethics 5 requires, then our teachers and students so acting responsibly, honestly, according to the fundamental values. Therefore, it should be emphasized that no true teaching methodology will result, if she is not solidly grounded in universal human values, honesty and responsibility, seriousness and tenacity at work and consistent effort towards our training in life truth in words, justice and equity, solidarity and cooperation. In short, the moral integrity of human beings, is the elected essential to the success of any teaching methods you want to implement. Much so that based on universal human values, we believe that should be promoted participatory classes, or to be carried every student of law, to be better able to solve practical problems will arise in their professional lives.

The Profession Of The Designer – All Other Than On One Side

The Profession Of The Designer – All Other Than On One Side

There are designers in all areas from engineering to fashion everything is. “If you the word designer” sounds, you basically automatically thinking about fashion. It is only logical that this profession is very versatile and necessary for most industries. However, for most people who have the desire to start again as a designer, fashion design is the preferred direction in which they want to go. It can be also very interesting to work as a designer in technical occupations is not for them relevant.

Those who choose the so-called industrial designer, a technical operations, must meet the complex requirements, providing the engineers of operating on them. In addition, it is also very exciting to design end themselves to deal with equipment and machinery with the technical refinements of. The resulting large designs can be realised with a CAD software for not only the tasks of industrial designers are technical as a fashion designer, but also the programs, with where they need to go to. Basically no big difference is probably in the toolsets for designers from different industries of Designablauf for industrial designers. The first so-called scribbles produced pencil drawings, which should set the rough construction of the object. Then the most successful design on the computer is displayed, for example with NX, to then be presented the competent colleagues. The reason why the draft should be completed on the computer at best is because that change requests expressed by the colleagues, can easily be implemented. Also the designs can be represented more realistic, without the need to unnecessarily much time to, for example, if you must draw the designs by hand.

It is during the Designablaufs votes between the designers and their colleagues responsible for the technology until you are satisfied with the design. At the end of the process will then many companies made a solution to the appropriate project, which includes all designs of the project, as well as the respective ideas and also the draft best. Technical tasks are always very instructive permanent learning effect for industrial designer for the designer, because they must deal with facts, which actually are not their area of expertise as a result of the work of the industrial designer is however only the more interesting because it is somewhat more sophisticated equipment to deal with, where you must pay attention to the correct wiring and correct general building, the technical function of the machine is not compromised. For one thing is quite clear: every designer can make fashion but not every designer can cope with machines.