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Month: August 2018

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Pirate Party participates in panel discussion of the Darmstadt-Dieburg County Student Council on Tuesday, February 2 Darmstadt-Dieburg took place from 10:00 to 11:30 in the packed meeting hall of the District Office a panel discussion on the subject of data protection. The district Student Council (KSR), consisting of the student representatives of all schools of the district and represents the interests of schoolchildren against the school had invited. The former Justice Minister and MdB Brigitte Zypries and Kathrin Johannsen sat on the podium alongside the presenter Saskia Millmann by the Alfred-Delp-Schule in Dieburg by the consumer Central Hesse, Germany. Not on the podium, but in the audience among the approximately 250 pupils, also representative of the Pirate Party of Darmstadt, the are brought into the discussion constructively and professionally well versed with. The questions of the students ranged from problems with Abmahn lawyers on the basis of downloaded, copyrighted works, about the misuse of data in social networks to the responsibility of politics over the Privacy of citizens.

Mrs. Johannsen could report mainly on the subject of cease and desist letter from her professional life on other issues she no longer came to speak. This quite quickly took over the Darmstadt-based candidate of the SPD, Ms. Zypries, and enlightened the students in that their data while legally protected from private companies, the State but have the right to collect the personal details of its citizens and to evaluate. The data allowed the State a more effective government work. In the course of the discussion, Brigitte Zypries supported the new draft of the youth media protection state contract of the Lander (JMStV), who is criticised as “renewed thrust in the direction of censorship” by the young Pirates (JuPis). So, including Internet content that not be labelled an age, should be filtered by access providers and not displayed.

Further Zypries argued that the use of streaming media was punishable if it is copyright-protected works, as it for example in the case was, and advised against by the use of the students. She could not explain the necessary technical process and the resulting legal facts on demand. The Pirate Party Darmstadt welcomes the commitment of the KSR closer to bring students to the important issue of data protection, but criticised the unilateral implementation of the Panel discussion by Ms. Zypries. Andre de Stefano of the Pirate Party of Darmstadt: “Politics may not draw from the responsibility and blame only the private sector data abuse without recognizing their own mistakes and correct.

Orlando Melo Social

Orlando Melo Social

Because we are marked for centuries with the dogma of the diploma. The title tells you that you can. The merit does not exist, the talents had disappeared, the tools to grow and bear fruit these men scholars and wise, are an investment that does not generate profits, so prefer burying them underground. And not because men want it. It is the condition of current society. It is the new climate we inhabit. The current ecosystem is the educate you to think less and produce more.

And what is the educational community that will live. Not what is. Maybe the only one that can develop all their faculties will be one that you can not access. Because while others do a master’s degree, you’ll have to finish your career, graduating as a professional and keep paying the rent of the place where you live. If you do not want to pay rent, you must work to buy your own apartment and get away more and more of one master’s degree. And if by outside things, or that you yourself looked, te haces father or mother of a family.

Economically forgets a doctorate to a when your heart don’t forget. Then you’ll be at a disadvantage against all those people who speak two or three languages, possessing a master’s degree, a PhD and everything that money can buy. Now to finish I tell you that you must have care in academic, because if your teachers invite you to investigate and your research where the bibliography takes as an annex a series of editorials poor bring you. You will have to stand strong, because this teacher will spit you face and spitting your work to the floor. And with angry eyes scream: the academic publisher is GREDOS and the current academic community formed by the company will say AMEN. Jose Orlando Melo Social thinker Naranjo.