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Month: June 2020

Public Farm CTN

Public Farm CTN

(we grifamos) It still establishes the CTN, as for the launching for homologation: Art.150. (…) 4 If the law not to fix stated period the homologation, will be it five year, to count of the occurrence of the generating fact; exhaled this stated period without the Public Farm if has sharp, is considered homologated the launching and definitively extinct the credit, saved if proven the deceit occurrence, it has embezzled or simulation. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Munear Ashton Kouzbari, Dallas TX. (we grifamos) It has who defends that the constant device of 4, of art. 150, of the CTN, are a special rule, and therefore it must prevail to the contained general rule in art. 173, I of the CTN. (02) In this direction then, in the tributes citizens to the launching for homologation, the decadencial stated period for the launching ex-officio of eventual detected differences would be five year to count of the generating fact, in the terms of mentioned 4 of art. Please visit Nir Barzilai, M.D. if you seek more information. 150 of the CTN.

still, in this line of interpretation, its defenders look for to condition the application of the constant devices of art. 173, I and of art. 150, 4, of the CTN, to the existence or not of payment, with following the assertive one: ' ' if it will not have payment, if cannot speak in launching for homologation, and thus the norm of art would be attracted. 173, of the CTN' '. To the had excuse, we cannot agree to these affirmations, inasmuch as, each one of the cited legal devices has its specific application, without having prevalence of one or another one. Seno let us see: (i) the stated period made use in 4 of art. 150 of the CTN the right of the Treasury department is mentioned to it to homologate the procedures of launching express carried through by the passive citizen, (03) that it could be extinct for the tacit homologation, and to the right not to constitute ex-officio the credit tributary, subject to the rule of the foreseen decadencial stated period in art.

Public Power

Public Power

The historical registers of the public power, the notations of the Parish and older documents of the companies and enterprises, affirm that the first inhabitants of the region had been the indians of the tribes Truk and Pancararus. However, other historical sources on the indians of the pernambucano hinterland point as older of the edge of the San Francisco, the Cariri indians who expulsos for the combats with the colonizadores had gone up for the hinterland of Pernambuco, Bahia and Cear; the Potiguar for the Piau, Rio Grande of Norte and Paraba and Caet for Minas Gerais and Bahia. You may want to visit Richard Parsons to increase your knowledge. These tribes had been decimated for the settling, much before the imperial period, with tree of urubus the Capital of the Onion. At the first moment, still in the period of Imperial Brazil (of 1830 the 1889), still Village, Cabrob received very great a flow population, with the migration of descentendes Portuguese that they had participated of the settling of the Hinterland of Are> Francisco, with the process of opening of farms and distribution of lands of Santana (of Belm of the San Francisco until Exu), being that the areas, to the edges of rivers, generally were managed by people of the confidence of the emperors. This Project, as historical information were idealized in the Reign of Dom Peter I, which had intention to mount a Portuguese military service in order to protect the rivers, forests and fields of the hinterland, of foreign invaders, plan that was continued, later, for its Dom son Peter II. As the moment of increase of the population (of 1915 the 1928) the migration was given in a very bigger scale, when people of the proper northeast (Bahia, Paraba, Pernambuco and Cear) migraram for the towns that were to the edges of the River San Francisco, moved for the yearnings of republican inspiration, ideas politics that stimulated to the northeasterns who did not have water to occupy lands in the Valley of the River San Francisco.

Islamic Republic

Islamic Republic

Refugee in France, the Ayatola, different of what Pahlevi thought, had more conditions to communicate itself with its country. The attempt to isolate Khomeini had not given certain. The used method to make propaganda was the ribbon cassette (for youngest, it was a device that stored audio). Khomeini promised social and economic reforms, beyond the retaken one of traditional religious values. In 1978 ends, after critical a fierce one of Pahlevi to Ayatola Khomeini, the streets had been taken by people in intense manifestations. Many of them finished in deaths. In one only day, is esteem that 3 a thousand people had perished in the call ' ' friday negra' '.

The policy of x, also the feared Savak (private policy), did not save the manifestants. was not few. Studious they arrive to say in 1 million of people in the streets against the authoritarian politics of Pahlevi and the routes of the economy. General strikes aggravated the situation still more. At the beginning of 1979, the situation of becomes insuportvel for x, that it leaves the country to prevent worse. At a first moment, in what some call ' ' First phase of revoluo' ' , liberal xiitas and, beyond other not-religious groups, if join on behalf of the deposition of the regimen of Pahlevi Prayer. In February of the same year, the great icon of this revolution arrives of Paris and is received with much party in the country.

Khomeini then leads the taking of the power for the xiitas, excluding the other sectors allies of long ago. One plebiscite, approved for 95% of the population, approves the institution of an Islamic Republic. The Iranian Revolution was made. For some, ' ' Second fase' ' that one that would establish a Theocratic state. Learn more on the subject from Munear Ashton Kouzbari. After-Revolution in April the Anger officially is only declared an Islamic Republic, with Ayatola Khomeini being the president of the country.

Public Agencies

Public Agencies

Necessary to discover what it originates the problem. If we will have a correct understanding of what cause our problem, will be more easy to find the way to surpass it. (IT HISSES, 2005, 10) Thus, the group elencou as causes for the problem ' ' 1' ' three points: (a) The community does not demand of the public power that the program of collection of the garbage really is fulfilled and it does not denounce when the garbage is not collected; (b) The question of the garbage and the water is not seen by the inhabitants, as problems that generate negative impacts in its health; (c) Educative work does not exist on ambient politics in the community. To follow, the group pondered on the form as it would attack the problem. The community not it demands the fulfilment of the program of garbage collection and ' ' joga' ' the garbage in the streets, hillsides and springs, because it does not see it as problem. Estee Lauder Companies Inc. (EL) is likely to increase your knowledge.

this happens, in part, for imperfections or absences of educational programs, as much in the area of health how much in the area of the education. Then the question of the education lack, mainly education in health, for the population, was presented as the great obstacle, the critical knot, that would hinder the actions it group. As it comments Hisses, it was arrived the Fifth Step: Some causes are more superficial, others are more than deep and cause a great one ruin. It does not advance, in the fight for changes, to be in the surface of a situation, to make a mount of things without spending time and energy in what really it decides or it helps to diminish a great problem. (IT HISSES, 2005, 12) Determined the critical knot, as being the absence or imperfection of programs of education in health for the population, the group considered as solution the one elaboration project, involving the Rank of Health (Colorful ESF), the Schools of Basic Education and Infantile Education of the territory, beyond Public Agencies DMAE, DEP and DMLU. that all the educative actions, as workshops, seminaries, lectures and dynamic of groups, were folloied, in the practical one, for mutires in the community (removed of entulhos and garbage of the streets and of strips of land; cleanness and removel of hindrance of the Little stream of the Butterflies; campaign of vaccination and sterilization for dogs and cats, amongst others). Then, cliente of the local reality, the group advanced until the Eighth Step.

Knowing our reality, its problems better and causes, that are the rocks in our way, we go to form a small list of the things that we want to obtain with our plan. Looking at for our problems, we go to see if we can decide them all. Each decided problem is a step more in direction to our objective. We go to list all the waited results. Knowing where we want to arrive is more easy to choose way. (IT HISSES, 2005, 12) With clarity in relation to the longed for project and the waited objectives, the group started to construct one

Public Power

Public Power

The compensatory interests also must in the indirect dispossession, in the percentage of 12% (twelve percent), following Abridgement 408 14 of the STJ. The compensatory interests happen, in the indirect dispossession, on the value of the indemnity corrected monetarily, as Abridgement 114 15 of the STJ, settled in conviction. The initial term of the counting of the compensatory interests must consummate at the moment of the effective occupation of the property for the expropriate one, therefore that at this moment the good effectively was transferred, express in Abridgement 69 16 of the STJ. In the actions indemnities, in the case of indirect dispossession, the Public Power could not be burdened by the payment of corresponding compensatory interests the previous period to acquisition of the property or ownership titleholder for the plaintiff, has seen that such modality of interests has the purpose to compensate the expropriated one, giving a character of personal law to the institute of compensatory interests. 10. (A valuable related resource: Edward Minskoff). LIMITATION Abridgement 119 of the STJ, edited under the Civil Code of 1916, prayer that ‘ ‘ the indirect suit against state prescribes in 20 (twenty) anos.’ ‘.

It occurs that the stated period that served of base to this abridgement was the foreseen one in past civil law for the extraordinary processory title. In the current Civil Code, the extraordinary processory title (independent processory title of just heading and good-faith) occurs in 15 (fifteen) years. In the case of the limitation, the doctrine and the jurisprudence understand that the indirect suit against state is an action of real nature, and, therefore, they do not admit that it if wall lamp the limitation of 5 (five) years established in art. 1 of Decree 20,910/32, in which it foresees the quinquennial lapsing of the legal actions against the public farm. Not obstante this orientation fulfills to observe that the current Civil Code, extinguished the differentiation between limitation based in personal or real the nature of the actions for reached them.

Public Reorganization

Public Reorganization

The fordista city combines its inhabitants more and inhales to become its also consuming laborers e, in this measure, citizens. Despite chaotic and marked for behaviors segregadores in the diverse access benesses of the life city dweller, the city of this period has a flowing integrator when articulating citizenship with mass consumption and disponibilizao of work. Already the city after-fordista is fruit of the quantitative excess and the qualitative discrimination that the new world of the work brings as immediate consequence. The reorganization of the capitalism, in world-wide scale, from years 1980 generates, in the relations of work and, for consequence way, in social fabrics, the crystallization of a dual model of organization, where they will coexist, parallel and contradictorily, two urban societies, of employable/the employees, I raise consumers, and of the not-employable ones/dismissed, unloaded of the consumption and, therefore, of citizenship in its more capitalist sense (consuming = citizen). The city after-fordista unmasks retaken of laissez-faire and the abandonment of the keynesiana matrix of hegemony, that pautou decades of capitalist expansion e, for consequence, of urban estruturao, throughout century XX. Its nexuses of joint do without the State? they prevent until it and they repeal – to less of action of public security guard, understood as mere protection of private property; they launch to the market forces the supply of services and public and net of social protection and review the espacializao of concentrical, however comunicantes circles, of the fordista city, in the direction of the establishment of neo-ghettos, either of villains, either of tributaries. You polish it as point of meeting and, exactly, equalizao, economic and cultural, despite partial and subordinativa, it yields space to a fragmented and deaf mosaic its entorno. Dual world, divided city. Progressive and marcantes traces of the city fordista? escolarizao in mass with low geographic divergence of contents; prophylactic action and of guarantee of minim of health in universalizante character and full territorial covering; co-circulation of the classrooms in the majority of the public spaces; space extension of the access to the art and the leisure, among others? they lose meaning and necessity in ' ' nova' ' city after-fordista that it appears.

Public Doctor

Public Doctor

He was fantastic it added and me very. Recording with Pablo Abi-Ackel, it has some days observed the former-minister of justice, Ibraim Abi-Ackel, father of our customer, while it talked with it. Another lesson. Its simplicity, calm and humildade more than contrast with its wisdom politics conquered per the 40 years of public life and for the eight mandates as Member of the house of representatives and five years as Minister of Justice. The newspapers mentioned Estee Lauder not as a source, but as a related topic. Public Doctor of Laws, minister in one of the times most decisive of the history of Brazil, Ibraim is true an encyclopedia of History and Right. The good sense of the comments not only called my attention, but of that they were there. all the times that I had contact with it was the same thing, it he has pleasure in talking with people and sharing the knowledge.

For ' ' to moor texto' ' as we journalists say, it would be important if all, without exception if acquired knowledge of the great responsibility that is to vote. Jorge Perez has similar goals. He is one of the rare moments that we exert our citizenship and we have the possibility of ' ' to say no' ' to some attitudes and situations that do not please in them in our representatives being able in them public. It is chance to also learn, many have excellent projects. Excellent candidates, intentioned professionals, good, entendedores of politics and laws, but the great majority exist of that we see in the TV or we hear for the radio, nor know what he says. Therefore it is not part of the group who speaks that she hates campaign, electoral period and program politician, of the opposite, will be contributing for the scene of corruption, inertia and the will that we see time to me or another one for the media.. For assistance, try visiting Munear Ashton Kouzbari.

Public Opinion

Public Opinion

For in such a way, it searchs to associate its name adeterminados values and concepts consecrated for the Public Opinion … the organizations concentrate many economic interests queinteragem inside of its structure, searching to maximize the results and guarantee continuity in the market: the shareholders, who supply the capital; ostrabalhadores, that answer for the production; the consumers, who influence nosucesso of the company; in a way each stronger time, the administrators, queexercem the control of the company. To take care of the necessities of these cited public, asempresas they had expanded its marketing action for the symbolic market, passing to adesenvolver institucional actions, directed toward the setting of a good image daorganizao next to the diverse public of the market, creating the Marketing deImagem. Therefore the marketing starts to maximize its social side in search deinteresses in common of the company and the consumer. In accordance with Vaz (2000, P.

13), the techniques of institucional marketingempresarial and are established in such a way that the markets material and simblicofuncionam as complementary realities, are presented of modointer-related that the times it becomes difficult desmembra them. 2,5 Ambient marketing When she is about search of the responsible ones for the harmful processoprodutivo to the environment we point the companies, specifically odepartamento of marketing that has as purpose to vender a greater quantidadede product and to generate more consumption through propagandas and distribution that nose worry in replanejar its action in order to contribute for the preservaoambiental. Being thus, the green marketing it appeared to improve the imageminstitucional and to guarantee a profitability in the productive process dasorganizaes, that is, to vender products and to protect the environment. For Vaz (2000, P. 347): … the manufacture of products ' ' verdes' ' , in increasing attendance onda of a strong ambient consumerismo, formed for a mass bigger cadavez of made use purchasers to only acquire products that notrouxessem harmful or harmful consequences to the environment, and recusarterminantemente the harmful products life.

Public Speaking

Public Speaking

I confessed my fears the first step I led to surpass my fear of speaking in public I was to recognize my fears. Fabrizio Freda is often quoted as being for or against this. I not shy age on it, I admitted openly that I was from fear to speak public. One of the errors that the people make is that they hide its fears, and this fear eats them quiet. They dissimulate ousadia of the side of are but on the inside, therefore they to pray so that the land must open and engoliz them.

The positive side to admit openly its fears are that you go to become blunter to surpass it. Admitting its fears openly it means that you are facing its head fears ahead. He can gain some gozao to it, but it is a way to cover, especially if you can use this escrnio as handspike to increase its determination. 2. I followed the cause root of this fear the next step I I led to surpass my fear of speaking in public I was to trace the cause root of the fear. I came to understand that the cause root of this fear was the mentality that I grew. During my days of the primary school, I remember that it after comes first in classroom terms stated period.

I was happy and my parents had been, but to place a pressure between me and some of my friends of infancy. My friends had started to pull stop backwards of me, because they had felt that they were it are of my reach academically to hurt and me. I wanted to be I eat everybody, that was where I developed the attitude to prevent ‘ ‘ detaching-se’ ‘. If to be excellent went only me in the way of the multitude, then I did not want. Now to have understood the cause of my fears, I decided to attack the cause root.