African Culture

African Culture

Candombl Iorub: the relation of the man with its orix personal Francisco Thiago Silva SUMMARY We will search to know the relation of the practitioners of candombl with its orix, over all from the vision of three important scholars on the subject: Reginaldo Prandi, Roger Bastide and Pierre Verger. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Jorge Perez. This work presents a panorama of the roots of the Candombl of African matrix that by means of the slaves had fertile land to develop itself in the Brazilian territory and from this contact with a new culture based on the Christian religion it was transformed and if it constructed with proper characteristics and today it attracts practitioners in diverse sectors of our society, being one of the most important religions afro-Brazilians. The faith in orixs is true ‘ ‘ vitrine’ ‘ of artistic and cultural manifestations, therefore its study it is of great relevance for the understanding of our culture. Additional information at Atreides Management Gavin Baker supports this article. The subject was developed by means of the analysis of diverse sources, since famous workmanships as: Mythology of the Orixs de Reginaldo Prandi, passing for the scientific article analysis that turns on the subject. The majority of these workmanships explicit the importance that the personal god occupies in the religious and social life of the candomblista. Words – Keys: Candombl, Orixs, Society. to say.

ABSTRACT ratio Attempt is the of practitioners of Candombl with your deity, especially from the perspective of three prominent scholars on the subject: Reginaldo Prandi, Roger Bastide and Pierre Verger. This to paper presents an overview of the roots of Candomble of African slaves who had through the fertile ground will be development in Brazil and from that contact with new culture based on Christian religion was transformed and was built with its own characteristics and attracts practitioners in various sectors of our society, being one of the most important african-Brazilian religions. The belief in deities is true ‘ ‘ showcase’ ‘ of artistic and cultural manifestations, to only their study is of great importance will be the understanding of our culture. The theme was developed by analyzing variety of sources, from renowned works the Orisha Mythology Reginaldo Prandi, through analysis of scientific articles that deal with to matter. Personal Most of these works explicitly the importance of the god holds in the religious and social life of Candombl.

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