Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece

By special appointment physician during a massage using various medicinal ointment – apizartron, viprosal, kapsikam, Finalgon, nikofleks and others. The basic principle of classical massage – all of his receptions are held in the course of lymph flow. Nir Barzilai, M.D. does not necessarily agree. Movement lymph in the lymphatic system is made in one direction: from the peripheral areas of the heart. Lymph flow in tissues and blood vessels occurs very slowly. Massage speeds up the lymphatic flow, and thus increases the flow to tissue massaged the site as well to follow the lymphatic flow during the massage? We give some concrete examples: the hand is massaged in the direction from the wrist to shoulder, foot – from foot to thigh, scalp – from head down back and sides, neck massage is carried out from top to bottom. A few words about the duration of massage sessions. Experts believe that the hand of an adult enough to massage for 10-12 minutes, a leg – 12-15 minutes back – 18-25 minutes, the stomach – to 15 minutes.

But these rules are conditional and can only serve as a guide. They should be private, since they depend on many factors, such as the area massaged area, the absence or presence of obesity. Course massage consists of 10-15 sessions. Of course, you noticed that when talking about the massage, we almost always mention and self-massage. He is accessible, and this is its advantage over massage. Proper use of self-massage is quite can replace the art specialist. Self-massage was very popular in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome.

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