

Julia ANPILOGOVA healthy intact skin – a natural barrier to the penetration into the body of toxic substances, infectious agents and the impact on the fabric of adverse environmental factors. Even Healthy skin needs care and supplementary feeding, and in certain diseases such as diabetes, skin care takes a certain specificity. Attention – microtraumas Diabetes is a chronic disease caused by the inability to produce insulin or ineffective use of insulin produced. Such a deficiency results in increased blood glucose levels, which in turn causes damage many body systems. Diseases of the lower extremities in diabetes occur due to changes in blood vessels and nerves that can lead to the formation of venous ulcers and subsequent amputation. The foot is the basic plot of the human body, carries out the function of support and therefore are often prone to injury. When combined with diabetes induced vascular and sensory peripheral nerves stop skin ceases to feel temperature, pain, touch and vibration. a>. Loss of protective sensitivity at high risk of developing post-traumatic complications.

You can step on sharp objects, rub his leg a narrow shoe and do not feel pain, and pay attention to it only after a few days, when it was infectious processes "will be felt." Leather foot with diabetes undergoing major changes: it becomes very dry, there are areas of seals formed painful blisters and cracks. With the reduction of immunity and a significant deterioration in any regeneration of the skin, however slight, can cause damage to penetration of infection and the formation of ulcers. It is therefore important to prevent any possibility of micro traumas. Everyday care – is prevention and protection If you have diabetes is not enough to follow the usual hygiene regulations Foot Care: in this case requires special care. Recently, the developers of cosmetic products has been given special importance to this direction and, consequently, appeared to mark specific positioning. Many writers such as Atreides Management Gavin Baker offer more in-depth analysis. Typically, such developments are carried out jointly with the Diabetes Association, endocrinologic and other medical institutions who specialize in problems of maintaining quality of life in this disease. To understand what characteristics of a special cosmetic product may claim to be an effective skin care foot in diabetes, be aware of pathogenic mechanisms skin changes in this disease.

Special cosmetic products should be: good to clean the skin and maintain a physiological pH of the skin, reduce excessive sweating, remove diaper rash, to antifungal and antibacterial properties, improve blood circulation in the surface layers of the skin, thereby increasing its resistance to external stress. But if you have already formed a wound, farmspetsialist be advised to go to his visitor pharmacy wash the wound with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, or furatsilina dioksidina. Apply a sterile bandage to the wound or tissue type specific "Koleteks" (but no patch!), to fix the bandage bandage. Do not use alcohol, iodine, "manganese" and "brilliant green", which tan the skin and slow healing. In this case the employee must be encouraged to pharmacy customers to turn to medical specialist. Source: Journal of 'Russian pharmacies. "

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