The BCAA include BBs probably the most important amino acids to build up and is obtaining high-quality muscle mass when you already have base a supplement (protein powder & Nutriceuticals, this would be) and you want to put further progress in your physical development, the time before and after the training in addition to feed the main anti catabolic and anabole(n) Aminosaure(n). The BCAA BBs (branched chain amino acid BBs = branched-chain amino acids) that probably belong to the most important amino acids to build up and obtaining high quality muscle mass are required. People such as Daryl Katz would likely agree. You protect the muscles during training or before taking z.B and are crucial for the growth of new muscle mass. The BCAA BBs include 3 different amino acids. L Leucine L-Isoleucine, L-Valine, L-Leucine has in addition to its anti catabolic effect above all the advantage, that it can lead to an improved Insulinauschuttung (in combination with protein and carbohydrates). This is especially after the Training desirable around the body quickly in an anabolic metabolism to run.
Leucine has not only an anti-catabolic effect but also as an anabolic effect. L – Isoleucine and L – Valine serve as muscle protection”the body in the first place. In other words, they have especially a dramatic anticatabolic effect. This is desirable in a diet to protect the muscles. The regular ingestion of BCAA BBs but also leads to an increased metabolic rate.
In other words, you burn about 100 kcal per day more, if they lead to BCAA BBs. And for this you don’t even have a diet. Last but not least, BCAA are BBs still good for the immune system… Negative, if you regularly go into the Studio to train there, this can affect your immune system. Especially too intense or too long strength training sessions set to the body because they can cause an elevated cortisol (stress hormone). And if between the individual force training units to a few days of regeneration plan for the elevated cortisol increases always further and further. And has your cortisol levels once a chronically increased value”achieved, will be considered your immune system is always affected. This then leads to an increased susceptibility to infection and poorer recovery. The reason for this should be clear: an increased cortisol level puts the body in a catabolic location (d.h endogenous protein is decomposed and used as fuel). In addition to muscle the immune system but also consists of about 1, 5 kg protein. And the body is not just a difference in the reduction of body’s own protein! Held a study from 2002 that additional supply BBs the immune system in stressful situations can sustain by BCAA. Bacurau, R.F.P. et al. (2002). Branched-chain amino acid supplementation and the immune response of long distance athletes. Nutrition; Vol 18: Issue 5 (376-379). Intake recommendation for BCAA BBs could for example look like. Breakfast (directly after getting up): 5gr BCAA BBs before the training (before the first sentence): 5gr BCAA BBs after training: 5gr BCAA BBs (in combination with carbohydrates and proteins)