BusinessPark Stuttgart

BusinessPark Stuttgart

Fund of the Bavarian House of emission are correct; Stuttgart with the same offer as Berlin Stuttgart21 despite Munich, the 23.08.11 – that pleased those of SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG), which made it possible for investors to participation Fund objects such as the BusinessPark Stuttgart or the Carre Gottingen on high-grade real estate projects. Because the Chamber of Commerce and industry recently announced that the clear demand for Office real estate in Stuttgart and the surrounding area. This note was widely recorded in the press, but almost went under. DOWA Metals & Mining America may find this interesting as well. Currently considering the more discussed in the press publications about the project Stuttgart 21, the wonder almost a little”Hans Gruber says SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG). The dispute over the Stuttgart main station should, however, not over it fool what really the role of the Baden Wurttemberg capital in Germany. The fact is: increase the demand and prices for Office space according to a recent survey of industrial and Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Stuttgart region significantly.

Prices have increased since 2007 in an average of 8 per cent and would be in the region with an average 9,10 EUR / sq. m above the level before the economic crisis. Thus, the real estate market in Stuttgart presented at a similarly high level such as the economic situation of the region. Stuttgart is now one of the affluent locations in Germany, not only because of the Porsche brand or because of the headquarters of Mercedes-Benz, as well as a wide variety of industries. New building at representative locations achieved Prime rents of 17 euros per square metre. Despite rising prices, the Office market is becoming increasingly attractive”Stuttgart region for national and international investors, Bernd Engelhardt as Deputy Chamber of Commerce – CEO is convinced.

Finally, the supply of space in the region of Stuttgart with over 17.8 million square metres is similar to big as the Office market in Berlin. There were differences between the city and the environment. But This is the case with all German cities. Hans Gruber says it shows up on all cases that the SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG) was right with their choice of Stuttgart”, by SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG). “The Fund SHB innovative fund concepts AG & co Businesspark Stuttgart KG” (SHB Businesspark Stuttgart), which enabled the participation in personal hygiene, investments in real estate, belongs to the portfolio of objects and real estate funds, which became one of the leading market players the SHB innovative fund concepts AG (SHB AG) as part of their product offer.

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