

Introduction the legend of the coffee: the myth Runs a legend on the origins of the coffee counting that, in data moment of century III d. C., a shepherd of goats, Kaldi call, certain night was anxious when its goats had not returned to the flock. When it left to look them, it found them saltitando next to a shrub whose fruits were chewing and that obviously it was what gave to the stranger energy to them that Kaldi never capsizes before. They say that he himself tried the fruits and discovered that fulled they it of energy, as she happened with its flock. Kaldi evidently i took this wonderful ' ' gift divina' ' to the local monastery, but the reactions had not been favorable and it set fire fire in the fruits, saying to be ' ' workmanship of demnio' '.

The aroma exhaled for the fruits torrados in the flames attracted all monges to discover what it was causing that wonderful perfume and the coffee grains had been rastelados of collected leached ashes and. Abbot moved of idea, she suggested that the grains were jammed in the water to see that type of infusion they gave, and monges soon they had discovered that it kept them to the chemical preparation waked up during the prayers and periods of meditation. Notice of the wonderful ones to be able of the drink had been spread of a monastery to another one e, thus, to the few had spread for everybody In the history of the coffee the botanical evidences suggest that the plant of the coffee originates in the Central Etipia, country of the African continent Source: Had access day 29 of July of 2011 the pioneers, inhabitants of the Etipia, country of the African continent ate or chewed. Proven that it appeared in this region with botanical studies, where until currently some thousands of feet grow above sea level.

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