Carla Pynsky

Carla Pynsky

Another aspect that Jayme and Carla and Pynsky in them call attention is that the professor does not have to abide only by the means of production and pressure, even so this is essential, but: … can and must show that thanks to culture that we, of the species human being, produce, we have had talent stops dressing in them more adequately than bears, to construct better houses that of the Joo-of-adobe, to fight with more efficiency the tiger, even so each one of us, human beings, have come to the world unprovided of for the thick ones, diligent peaks or powerful claws. (PYNSKY & PYNSKY, 2008.p.20). The ideas presented here show that the main focus must be the pupil, that is, it must be the citizen of History, must be recognized as a historical agent, as that one that helps in the construction of the diverse aspects that compose the societies in the world all. Still under the light of the ideas of Jayme and Carla Pynsky, the more the pupil to feel next History as something, plus it will have will to interact with it, not as a external, distant thing, but as practical one that it will feel itself qualified and inclined to exert. (PYNSKY & PYNSKY, 2008, P.28) According to Munhoz (1989, P. 67) fits to the professor compromised to education, to point to the new students ways that they aim at to create in being educated the interest for the knowledge and understanding of History as a process.

That education we dream? Education is a perpetual challenge. Rubem Alves, in the sample some ways to surpass the obstacles taxes in the school, to arrive at an education more human being, one ‘ ‘ education romntica’ ‘. History below, removed of a strap of the Charlie personage Brown, illustrates the pertaining to school world who we look for to surpass: It knows why we have that to take off good notes in the school? To pass of the elementary school for the gymnasium.

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