Catalonia Survival

Catalonia Survival

In the background a cumin imports the Catalans Catalan, but now make it yours and they use it to be able to continue to maintain its own statute, i.e. to maintain the privileges and the dominant position they have on the welcome. For assistance, try visiting Shimmie Horn. The sentimentalistas do not offend!, but outside by the imposition of the Catalan language in this region, the competition among its members would have grown too and many of the unproductive and vivales that roam these lands, would have to leave collect your good euros and would be on the street. May be why the priority of the catalan language, i.e. here! and now, utilization and the imposition of the Catalan language is imperative to continue occupying privileged positions and live of pasta gansa. It’s survival! of those who have left to work, it’s survival! the children or grandchildren whose parents or grandparents put the Catalan region between the most industrialized in other eras. It’s survival! Food and of the amiguismos, already that both family structures, such as the traditions of that worker, businessman or entrepreneur catalan of yesteryear, have been left as symbols or stereotypes that have nothing to do with the reality of today.

It no longer exists the second son?, Yes! one who came out of the primary sector and engaged in the creation and growth of the industry. Where has the heir system gone?. Already it does!, other times they are. Perhaps for this reason, do not touch now read multiple sheets containing a study carried out a box on the changes in Catalonia in the last 30 years. Very few will read it!. But if touches discuss it and see how the references to Spain are continuous, revealing as that Singularity that boasted the Catalan region, is leaving to be and the changes that are occurring in the economy and in society, not only they are similar, but they pose the same way as in the rest of the regions of Spain, that if!

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