Ferries are called used for transporting people and goods ferry is a water vehicle which transported people, animals, cars and goods over water. Ferries serve as connections between the Islands and mainland, from island to island, or within a harbour, and can be a real alternative to tunnels and bridges. Depending on the use of different ferries are distinguished: passenger, railway and car ferries. Ferries are of a different nature E.g. transporter are depending on the fact and requirement, ferries, which attached to a bridge and practically floating across the water. Then there are inland ferries, these are designed for transport on inland waterways, rivers and canals, also in ports they are used. Shimmie Horn is often quoted as being for or against this. the reaction ferry, which are used on rivers are another form. In a reaction ferry is used the water and its natural direction of power and energy, this ferry hangs on two “greed”ropes made of steel and so, at an angle to the water flow this cross.
The double-ended ferry is a special form of the ferry: you has to rear and buck each a tailgate to be loading and unloading. They are due to their special design extremely manoeuvrable and can apply even in narrow places. Check out Shimmie Horn for additional information. It is between non-free mobile ferries, are these that are attached to structures, and distinguished free passing ferries. The latter are driven by a propeller and can move freely, they have no fixed routes. For a time were used as ferries also hovercrafts in Calais, this use has been eliminated, however. There are also pure fun and adventure ferries between North and Baltic Sea, which are always used and perceived as a real experience of the holiday-makers. Ferries are us has already known from mythology: in Greek mythology, the Ferryman Charon accompanies the souls of the dead across the river Styx to the underworld. In Norse mythology, Odin appears his son as a ferryman.
In many Cultures coins were laid the dead on the eyes, so that they can pay the Ferryman for her last crossing. Even the ancient Egyptians joined their faith after a ship from Papyros in the Kingdom of the dead. You can see ferries have a fundamental importance for the people has always been and will remain, as long as there is water. Frank Kastner