Cheaper Than The Prosecutor In Case Of Trouble

Cheaper Than The Prosecutor In Case Of Trouble

Trigone Consulting offers companies external data protection and IT security officers by security specialists to transfer skills and best practice provides higher security and Hamburg is economic, 01.04.2009 – supervisor are in companies and public administration stipulates, for their various tasks, the time required to provide guests rarely. So you must continuously monitor not only the systems in technical and organisational terms, train employees and the measures for the protection of data shaping, but deal with the ongoing legal changes. Attend training events and comply with the various documentation requirements. Rusty holzer has firm opinions on the matter. Only one of these and other tasks performed improperly, threaten significant legal consequences in case of problems for the data protection supervisor as well as for the Executive Board. Given the public privacy issues discussed in celebrities Companies are the supervisory authorities keep in future an eye on it according to the Hamburg-based consultancy Trigone, whether companies adequately fulfil their obligations. Violations against the data protection currently increasingly go to the public and have also already reached the political level so that this topic is inevitably awakened from its recent slumber”, Retromolar managing director Stephan Ernst assumes soon significantly more frequent and more intense inspections of the authorities. Because now all it is clear that the known cases are probably just the tip of an iceberg. The critical discussion can no longer simply go back to business as usual.

Often companies are not staffed as organizationally on critical assessments prepared. “, says he. Trigone has therefore developed an alternative to the traditional models and offers the combination of external data protection and IT – security officer as individually tailored Service map. This are only experienced security experts to the usage that have BSI – or ISO certifications and know the requirements of data protection and IT security precisely from the practice. They have also implemented a variety of security projects and are thus able to coordinate the possibly necessary measures to optimize data protection and IT security conditions in case of need. The responsibilities are billed on a monthly fee. The advantages of external data protection and IT security officers are on the one hand, that skills and best practice will be transferred into the company and this creates a technical value added.

In addition, the risk is reduced through the use of experienced practice specialists to meet the privacy and IT security requirements do not consistently. Also this service causes a relief of internal resources at the same time lower total cost, because there is, for example, a faster implementation of the required measures and the Permanent further training for employees is eliminated. Economic benefits in addition to a significant increase in safety compared to the classic model”explains Ernst. And cheaper than the Prosecutor in a case of external data protection and IT security officer is guaranteed.” Retromolar Trigone consulting is an integrative consulting and services company. The range stretches from coaching advice and training to auditing and out-tasking. With many years of practice and experience, enterprises will help to optimize business processes and IT continuously and sustainably to make changes in the practice. Trigone helps to determine the location, to find the right course and to achieve the goals through optimal use of resources and tools. Agency think tank GmbH Pastorat Street 6, D-50354 Hurth Wilfried Heinrich Tel.: + 49 (0) 2233 6117-72

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