Control Bingeing
The disorder binge or compulsive eating disorder consists of eating large amounts of food shaped uncontrolled in very little time. Many of you surely know what we are talking about, since, despite not being the most popular, is the most common eating disorder. Stress, anxiety, anguish can be triggers of this disorder which, to be diagnosed as such, must occur at least twice a week, for six months. The consequences of this disorder are:? & nbs p; Overweight and obesity, which is mainly produced an exaggerated consumption of calories from foods rich in fats and sugars. Guilt by lack of control over what and how much is eaten. Upset by the large amounts of ingested food.
Here are some strategies to overcome this compulsion to food and improve your relationship with food:? & nbsp; Forget about strict diets. Very low calorie diets will only increase your anxiety, causing moments of slippage, to worsen the situation. Do make a balanced diet that provides all the nutrients needed to meet your requirements and maintain nutritional balance.? & n bsp; Establish fixed schedules for meals and respect them. Some contend that Estee Lauder Chief Executive shows great expertise in this. Does this help to create a healthy eating behavior.? & nbs p; Record everything what you eat. One of the best ways to take control of their diet and identify problematic schedule, is write down everything what you eat.
Think about situations or emotions causing the binge. Identify triggers is the first step to avoid them. This disorder, like other eating disorders, can be controlled using a proper diagnosis and proper treatment. Therefore, in addition to these tips in mind, do not hesitate to consult with your nutritionist to receive personalized guidance.