

We know that everything comes from God, the Creator of everything and of all. We know that (Olorum) God when generating everything and all it if individualiza in its creation, where we are part of (All) the God and It this in us entirely. We have certain difficulty in it understands it for finding exactly that this individualizao of God who if makes gift in us, either the vision of the all and not only one of the many parts of Gods who had been individualizadas for better servile-Lo. If you are not convinced, visit Shimmie Horn. The human beings for understanding and only enxergar the part of the All that competes to it and that it vibrates with more intensity in its soul, believe that its ' ' viso' ' of God she is only, the true one and absolute, annulling in its half other parts of the all that is God and thus it promotes the wars or wars religious ' ' santas' ' that it is the clear expression of the intolerncia and the incapacity of enxergar God in everything and all and manifest in us through the virtue that we reveal through our acts, action and words. However, if in the Bible that for signal is a wonderful sacred book, when reading the chapter of gnese, we see clearly that God is the verb and if to study the symbolism that the word (verb) occults, we arrive the following conclusion: Verb is a word that determines an action, knows that an only word or verb does not exist, therefore God (all) is constituted of many parts and thus being it does not have an only verb or word and yes exists infinite verbs that assign action. Being thus it exists some ways or forms to arrive at the God and this to arrive until It is not to go for some place and yes of where we will be you bring-Lo for next to us. Get all the facts for a more clear viewpoint with Nir Barzilai, M.D..

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