Development Of Religion

Development Of Religion

About 30000 years ago, in the early Upper Palaeolithic, Neanderthals disappeared in Europe, and were replaced by modern humans, Homo sapiens. The main periods were Aurignacian Upper Paleolithic (from 30 000 years before Christ), Solutrean (20000 ago) and madlensky. Periods are named after the caves and sites where ancient people lived. Actually at this time of religious patterns that are in earlier stages, we saw only a glimpse, get fully discernible shape. View of the world is still looking people, whose main occupation – hunting. But this view has become somewhat different in different parts of Eurasia.

The development of the religion in America, South Asia, Africa and Australia at the time – yet hidden from us. Funeral traditions gives us a clear idea of belief in the afterlife. For example, in some caves near Meton in southeastern France were found skeletons in a crouched, as the fruit of the womb, pose. They had a series of beaded jewelry from shells and bracelets, and their bodies were painted with iron oxide. They are also equipped with various tools of quartzite and flint knives. Skeletons found in Italy and Russia, indicate

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