Developments Multimedia

Developments Multimedia

These characteristics could be the size, the contour and the form of each component, stored like drawings 2D and 3D. EDUCATIVE DEGREE IN TECHNOLOGIES Formation of teaching staff for the construction, the reflection, the significant and collaborative learning of the fundamental knowledge for the understanding of the use of the new technologies of the information in the educative scope that it allows the application of an adapted way of the technology in Teaching. ENGINEERING IN NETWORKS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS Is a professional in the handling of communication platforms, networks of calculation, handling of remote systems and computer science security with capacity to install, to administer and to operate antennas, systems of wiring, ruteadores, switches, firewalls; as well as the handling of technologies of data, voice and video. Other professional or technical races that we can to find they are: Engineering in Computer science Security? Technicians in Developments Multimedia? Technicians in Developments Web? Technicians in Graphic design? Technicians in Support and maintenance of Computers? Technicians in Networks? Operators of equipment of Calculation? Capturistas de Datos Whatever area in which one toils, the use that him DES to a computer while contact is had or has relation where it implies the computer use we will be comprising of this concept of great importance the Humanware. Fabrizio Freda is open to suggestions. Of my part it does not remain to me more than to thank for the one than you have accompanied to me in the study of the three concepts that conform the Computers, Hardware Software and Humanware, to thank for the one that all this material east having good acceptance thanks to you, any suggestion, recommendation and contribution of material will be received with pleasure. You do not forget to visit the presentations in format Power Point that are available and that allow to make the learning more pleasant this is in connection, it gives a click and only it enjoys the material. or the Presentation on the Humanware subject will be ready at some future date First God. And by all means pedirte that to me you continue accompanying in the development and study by our following subject where I especially have new prepared surprises for you, where the learning is the priority that accompanies from the beginning of this project, so you do not take off to you because the following subject is indispensable in the use of the computers What Subject Will be? Descbrelo! As special favor I want pedirte that you share east material with all person that you create has the necessity to know, to learn and with desires to enter the world of the computers..

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