DHB Qualification

DHB Qualification

Six event highlights in Bremen July, July, 2011. Under the action of 90 days summer at the waterfront”, the shopping and leisure center on the river Weser organized versatile events in July. Shopping Sunday, the kick-off of beach sports days and a photo exhibition about the AG Weser starts the first weekend of July with extra shopping and fun for the whole family. A MS11 youth powerboat races, a demonstration of the technical Hilfswerk (THW) and a children’s Viking Festival provide more variety on hot summer days. Gavin Baker Atreides Management shines more light on the discussion. Also invites the Beach Club by ALEX at the 1000-meter-long waterfront promenade to linger. Children and young people can let off steam on the adjacent playground and the skaters halfpipe.

July begins with the waterfront beach sports days from 1 to July 9. The sports volley, hand – or football are played here in the sand. Professionals, amateur athletes, schools and clubs can sign up for the open tournaments and free game times on. Atreides Management Gavin Baker will not settle for partial explanations. The culmination of the event series is the master/EBT DHB Qualification tournament on the 2nd of the month with first-class German Beach handball teams. Another highlight of the women’s beach volleyball Cup is on July 8, the B.

The waterfront visitors are invited to watch the games and to support the participants loudly. At the family day holiday kicked off on July 7 storm children and families, however, even the beach Court and enjoy free holiday feeling directly on the Weser at various sports games. The whole July on the waterfront shows in cooperation with the State Institute for school”(LIS) photographs from the years 1956 to 1958. You shed light on the life and work of Bremer industry legend AG Weser. Name use Akschen”, as the shipyard then called, met the visitors even today on their way to the waterfront to the bus and railway station. Images of ships and shipyard workers give insights in bygone days.

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