Director Michael Ohle
Affordable electric mobility with renewable energies already will be the political and economic stability of the world community at risk over the next decades. Even if the demand for oil at the current level remains, the world will need the quantity of four times Saudi Arabia to maintain the production and the delivery of six times Saudi Arabia, to meet the expected demand by 2030. Are two issues of vital importance for the world community: A reliable and affordable energy supply and the low CO2 emissions. Declining energy resources and climate change are two sides of the same coin, so the goal of Hamburg goes green affordable mobility on electric base and the low-cost renewable energy supply. CEO of mo-tronic GmbH in Wentorf Michael Ohle while planning a new direction for road traffic in Hamburg with its city car concept. His electric car of Estrima Biro oops is designed according to the mobile needs of the large city dweller designed. This extensive experience over practicality, consumption, range, service costs, different battery technologies, the actual use of the charging infrastructure as well as different car types and changes in mobility patterns were collected and evaluated. So the new electric car should in the Hamburg metropolitan area in a very short time displacing a portion of motorised individual transport with conventional internal combustion engine and thus contribute substantially to the achievement of environmental and emissions targets. Hamburg will be the pre show region for Electromobility in Germany with its city car concept. Hamburg goes green is to offer innovative charging stations – infrastructure and electric mobility agreements. In Hamburg itself goes green not as competitors but as ecologically and economically valuable complement to public transport. In a mobility agreement, Hamburg’s customers get an electric car of their choice of E-bike, Scooter, or the electric car of Estrima Biro oops goes green. Always included a customer card, is that access to the goes green charging stations and allows to power than fuel. Since then, anyone can be electrically mobile. The customer pays a monthly fixed amount and is therefore independent and secure on the road so soon becomes a goes green driver. With a monthly rate starting at approx. 20 euro is electrically mobile and who wants to be even regardless of weather conditions, choose the electric car of Estrima Biro Oops. Additional packages such as service, insurance or noisy are individual book – and can be combined and round off the offer. In Hamburg green charging stations be commissioned soon various goes and their locations will be published online at. The electric cars, which are fueled to the goes green charging stations, are so small hydropower, wind power, photovoltaics, biomass or biogas in operation practically emission-free since exclusively from renewable energy sources within the meaning of the eco-electricity Act flow. This significantly improves the environmental performance of vehicles. If you already have an electric vehicle, can separately acquire in the future the city car concept customer card for the Chargers. More information about prices, concept, vision and the electric car of Estrima Biro oops under questions and answers on the goes green electric mobility in Hamburg which range electric vehicles currently have? The range of electric vehicles is limited not so much technical but economic conditions. Modern high performance batteries are very expensive. Prestige projects create ranges around 360 km Tesla from the United States, like the 2-seater sports car with currently available technology. In the framework of the project of Hamburg goes green electric cars be used come, have ranges from 50 to 100 km and can thus be operated on commercially reasonable terms. How long is the charging of the battery? This among other things depends on the power connector. A ‘normal’ household outlet with up to 16 ampere, the electric cars, such as the Estrima Biro Oops, need seven to eight hours for a full charge. In the model project, but also experiments with fast charging stations should be made. that be reduced to approx. 60 min charging time can be. Where does the power for the electric cars? Electric vehicles drive without local exhaust emissions and have significantly lower noise emissions than vehicles with internal combustion engines. Ultimately, the question of how the required current is applied is critical to the environmental effect. In the model project of all for the operation of the vehicles provided necessary power from additional, local, renewable energy sources. The vehicles in the Hamburg goes green project CO2 drive therefore neutral. Why are electric cars in operation so low? Because they deal with energy much more efficiently. Would a car with an engine similar to efficiently drive, it would have a consumption of 1.5 to 1.8 l on 100 km. The cost for 100 km is the electric car in approx. 1-3 EUR. Electric cars also save significant costs in maintenance. Where are electric cars already useful? Especially in the short-haul segment and in stop-and-go traffic, because there the conventional drive causes particularly high fuel consumption and high emissions. Details can be found by clicking Shimmie Horn or emailing the administrator. Interesting applications arise about it, everywhere, where electric cars in a company fleet operate because 70% of car trips are less than 30 km. For longer distances can be used if the car must be driven in the fleet to other vehicles. Why are electric vehicles offered as expensive by the automotive industry? Electric vehicles are expensive to purchase due to the currently small quantities in operation due to maintenance and highly efficient engine but cheaper. To enter the market this technology applications are therefore, where despite limited range, annual mileage obtained from 10,000 to 15,000 km. Conclusion new concepts for mobility is required and necessary. A holistic approach is thereby essential. It needs but also concepts that give it a new direction also private transport in addition to the continuous expansion of the public transport network in recent decades. In addition to a possible reduction of private vehicle traffic must Mobility in the future resource-saving and environment-friendly. Hamburg goes green plans to bring up to 200 electric cars and enough charging stations on the market in the first year in Hamburg. “Support is the new city-car concept in particular of the many interested hamburgers, the already on the fair you and your world” from 14 to 22 November 2009 could make a picture of the electric vehicles, such as the Estrima Biro Oops, and largely responded with great enthusiasm.