Educational Institutions
Measures and individual activities match I have an ad in our newspaper for expensive money turned the response was null. Marketing and advertising bring nothing!” An education provider that approaches to the marketing of its bid, not must be about lack of success wunderen. Individual activities must build on makes sense each other and relate to each other. Taking on current events such as the public relations is important. Also mailing and poster campaigns, fairs or events should be considered with each other always in context, to maximize the resulting synergies. To see, for example, the classical press work with the target print is”always in connection with the placement of advertisements than many media editorial and advertising departments cooperate (unofficially).
In case of doubt, good advertisers in reporting especially for small magazines, that are dependent on advertising revenue, are preferred. When is planned for a newspaper, radio or television ads or to turn commercials, / the press responsible should ask the Ad Manager an editorial report on the training companies for the interest of the editorial. Press actions should be carried approximately every six to eight weeks for print media, but only, if something really interesting and updates to share with. On the dispatch of seminar programmes or advertising copy on the educational offer of the carrier should be strongly avoided, because this information alone not sufficient generally to pique the interest of journalists. A smart hanger or interesting article on a topic that is better that fits to the competency focus of the education provider. In recent years, has become increasingly important is the online public relations.
It is to distinguish between Internet media that have an editorial and portals, where anyone can publish almost all types of press releases. At online magazines with journalistic standards, incoming contributions are exactly on quality and alignment checked. Here are the same recommendations as in the print press work.