Educational Revolution

Educational Revolution

INTRODUCTION Education is regarded as a historically developed social phenomenon, it is also the core of a process of socialization. It is crucial in the formation of man throughout his life. Undoubtedly, this phenomenon has a major influence in the school and family, so a close relationship between both institutions is needed. In Cuba, takes place the third educational revolution, sustained in the battle of ideas, with the primary purpose of contributing to the integral formation of youth and adolescents in ways that addressed these preparations, the place at the level of current development , so as to achieve an educated man to be inserted in this battle and take a transformative stance in the ideological, political and cultural. DEVELOPMENT. The Cuban educational institutions, the state and the party entrusted with the mission of leading the educational process towards the formation and integral development of new generations and their families prepare for these, may have a positive educational influence on their children, so they can fulfill the functions entrusted to them, which are enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Cuba, with the aim of engaging young people and adolescents to life , corresponding to current social demands. The implementation of the Educational Revolution in Cuba, under the present conditions, demand more teacher preparation in preventive work and family education, in keeping with the educational policy and social system. It is imperative to have a teacher who understands the need to understand the problems of their students and their families, committed to them and struggle to achieve educational communication with students, their families to obtain significant results, both individual and collective.

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