Environmental Issues

Environmental Issues

We cite more some known: deforestation, pollution of the water, air and ground, extinguishing of the fauna and flora among others forms, all these cited methods are very efficient unhappyly, collaborate to join forces to a very discrete enemy, who takes in them to believe that amongst all he is most efficient, annihilating and implacable called: GEE, still did not discover, goes traduziz it. Gases of Effect Greenhouse. To understand these gases, first we go to know what it is the effect greenhouse and its importance for the life in the planet. The gases that constitute the atmosphere allow the ticket of the solar radiation, and absorb great part of the heat emitted for the warm surface of the land. This process is known as effect greenhouse. (Source: Murray Weidenbaum). Thanks to it, the average temperature of the surface of the land is remained in about 15C. Without the effect greenhouse, the average temperature of the planet would be of 18C below-freezing.

In such a way, the effect greenhouse, becomes the responsible one for creating ideal conditions for the existence of the life in the land. Currently, you evidence they grow them of that the emissions of dioxide of carbon and other gases are if accumulating in the atmosphere. Get more background information with materials from Gavin Baker Atreides Management. Such gases allow that the solar radiation penetrates in the surface of the planet, but block the radiation of the heat they hinder and it to come back to the space. This effect greenhouse this starting to raise the global average of temperature. The carbon dioxide is ‘ ‘ gas estufa’ ‘ more important, answering for about half of the current additions of this effect. When if alert for risks related with the effect greenhouse, what it is in focus is its possible intensification, caused for the action of the man, and the consequncia of this intensification for the climate of the land. How much bigger it will be the concentration of gases, greater will be the capture of the heat and increase of the average temperature of the globe. But we consider why it as enemy discrete? The gases of effect greenhouse they pass unobserved to our eyes, and its action in the environment is slow and quiet, what it makes in them to think that its impacts nor are so serious thus.

What it is a great deceit, the consequences that the effect gases greenhouse give to increase the average of temperature in the land, they cause impacts that the man not yet knows as to revert. Some examples: melting of calotas polar, climatic changes that will affect the forests, agriculture and the ground, increase of the oceanic water level, overflow of littoral cities, salty water invasion in the hidrogrficas basins, disappearance of many islands and ecosystems, raised temperatures, between several. Already it is worried? If its reply it will be yes this is very good, therefore with the wakening of the humanity for the ambient questions, it only is that we will be able to make the reversion of this tragedy that walks the wide steps to happen. rodrigo.

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